Slideshow - Lobby Day 2014

Posted: 3/21/2014

ACSS' 14th annual Lobby Day was a great success.

With a record turnout, the stage was set to continue our goal of resolving salary compaction once and for all.

Thanks to the efforts of state supervisors, managers, and confidential employees just like you, our elected officials are finally addressing this inexcusable issue - our staff making more than us - that has plagued us for so long.

Thanks to your hard work - and the dillgence of ACSS leaders who have met and discussed the issue with Gov. Brown and his administration for the past few years - there is an historical line item in the governor's revised budget that attempts to resolve salary compaction for the first time.

ACSS' model of improving your career works because we give you the tools to get in front of your elected officials and hold them accountable.

Click the photo above to see a slideshow of the day's events, and mark your calendars for next year's annual lobbying event on March 11, 2015.