Help us spread the word about ACSS to your workplace

Posted: 4/6/2012

One of the most frequent calls we receive here at ACSS are from supervisors or managers needing emergency representation who are not already members.

Unfortunately, we cannot help in these situations because our bylaws state that you must be a member of ACSS before a problem arises in order for our labor relations team to assist you. Generally, these excluded employees haven't heard about ACSS until they need us, and at that point it is too late.

In order to prevent this from happening - and to continue building the power of our statewide political voice - we're trying to make it easier for future ACSS members to get pertinent information about ACSS at work.

ACSS is sending representatives out into your worksites to find the best location for a bulletin board. While you wait for your lunch to heat up in the microwave or for that elevator, you and your co-workers will have a chance to peruse meeting notices, learn about your rights as an excluded employee, and who to contact in case of those rights being violated.

If you are interested in helping us find the best location to hang a bulletin board where you work, or you’d be willing to update the board for us, please contact ACSS Labor Relations Representative Regina Jenkins at