CDCR Quarterly Meeting will focus on Compaction and Workplace Issues

Posted: 3/6/2015

Posted: 3/6/2015

ACSS meets on a regular basis with CDCR. Our next meeting is scheduled for March 25, 2015. At this meeting, we will be continuing discussions about salary compaction, focusing on the Office of Correctional Education excluded employee classifications. The supervisors in the Office of Correctional Education have been hit especially hard by compaction with up to a -13% gap between them and the rank and file employees they supervise. CDCR has been making strides to come to a possible solution and they are in the process of developing a recommendation to CalHR to resolve this issue. ACSS is working with CDCR to provide input in developing the recommendation to CalHR. ACSS will also continue its efforts with CalHR to advocate for action to correct salary compaction faced by our members.

In addition, ACSS has been working closely with CDCR members to evaluate several workplace issues. Recently, we created an online survey to assess the needs of a group of CDCR employees going through issues with “Administrative Officer of the Day” duties. Selected groups of members were invited to take this survey in hopes that ACSS could zero in on the most important issues at hand to tackle. The feedback we gain from the survey will be very helpful towards our efforts to ensure fairness and harmony in the workplace.

Other items to be discussed at this meeting are the upward mobility of Correctional Food Managers and Meal Ticket equity for excluded employees. These issues have specifically been raised by members, and ACSS is assisting to negotiate resolutions. If you are experiencing issues at your workplace, contact ACSS and we will listen to your needs, advise you, and attempt to resolve the issue with your department or employer. ACSS is on your side when it comes to dealing with difficult workplace issues.