ACSS Elections are around the corner!

Posted: 4/10/2015

Posted: 4/10/2015

ACSS Elections are coming up! All candidates have been nominated and voting ballots will be sent soon. Look out for them in your mailbox and make sure to cast your vote! Here is a timeline of important dates for the Elections:

  • April 20 - Voting ballots sent to members via mail
  • May 20 @ 5pm - Deadline for voting ballots to be received by ACSS HQ
  • June 2 - General notification to all members about Elections results
  • July 17 - 19 - ACSS Delegate Assembly
  • October 10 - 11 - CSEA General Council

For more information on ACSS elections, visit the Elections page on the ACSS website.

In addition, if you wish to run for the position of ACSS Board of Directors at Delegate Assembly, we are now accepting Candidate Consent Forms and Candidate Statements.