Poll Results Show Bleak Future for Pension-Slashing Measures

Posted: 12/18/2015

A group of voters were polled to test the strength of the two pension reform measures proposed by former San Jose Mayor Chuck Reed and former San Diego City Councilman Carl DeMaio. One measure received 42% support and the other received 40%. Reed said he needed at least one of measures to test at 60% support to justify spending $25 million campaign to get it on the ballot. The future of both measures at this point is dismal.

Opponents of the proposals are confident that support for the measures will diminish. David Low, chair of the Californians for Health Care and Retirement Security, calls them “unviable” and says “Anyone investing is these two losers would be wasting their money.” If these measures continue to move forward, they will endure a challenging and costly uphill battle to appear on the ballot next year.

As always, ACSS will continue to stay on top of this important pension-reform issue and will deliver updates to you as they arise.

Click here to read the full article from the Capital & Main.