Register NOW for ACSS Lobby Day!

Posted: 1/7/2016

  • REGISTER online by February 19th!
  • At the Training/Dinner on Tuesday March 8th, you will be informed about the process of Lobby Day and we will guide you on what messages to stress when speaking to the legislators. In addition, some inspiring guest speakers will appear at the training dinner.
  • On Lobby Day, Wednesday March 9th, march with your fellow members into the Capitol Building to talk with your legislators to discuss important issues. Lunch will be provided.
  • Stick around afterwards for the Ice Cream Social in the Capitol Building to candidly mingle with legislators and ACSS members.

This event is what ACSS is all about! Stand up with your fellow excluded employees and let your voices be heard! Together, we can make a difference.


Travel, lodging, and meal expenses for members attending Lobby Day are covered by ACSS.