Supreme Court Upholds Fair-Share Fees for Unions
On March 29, 2016, the Supreme Court announced a 4 - 4 tie vote in the case of Friedrichs vs. California Teachers Assn., preserving a rule that requires public employees to pay “fair share fees” to support their union. Opponents contend that forcing public employees to pay fair share fees violates their rights to free speech. In this tie vote, the Supreme Court upholds the long-standing rule requiring public employees to help pay for the cost of collective bargaining on the theory that all benefit to some degree.
ACSS supports this decision and supports other labor unions that enact fair share fees. Since ACSS is not a union, this decision does not affect our organization. ACSS does not receive fair share fees. Instead, our members voluntarily join and agree to have ACSS membership dues deducted from their paycheck to receive ACSS’ benefits.
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