State Treasurer Chiang Attends Sacramento ACSS Chapters 502 and 503 Member Appreciation Party

Posted: 12/16/2016

California State Treasurer and 2018 Gubernatorial Candidate John Chiang attended and spoke at the Chapter 502 and 503 Member Appreciation Meeting and Dinner in Sacramento on December 2nd 2017.

Chapter 503 President, James Teahan, was ecstatic to have Chiang attend. “John Chiang was fully engaged with ACSS members, gave a terrific speech, and truly provided his support for ACSS. We were so happy to have him as this was the first time a State Officer attended our Membership Appreciation Event,” Teahan noted.

Chapter 502 President, Lieutenant Coopwood, found Chiang very approachable and personable. Coopwood enjoyed listening to the State Treasurer’s anecdotes about family, his background, and history with Governor Schwarzenegger. Coopwood commented that Chiang’s speech “showed how he is willing to fight for the rights of ACSS members and not just go along with the status quo.”

In addition, ACSS Vice President Elnora Fretwell said, “Chiang’s personal stories really connected with the crowd.”

Overall, the presence of Chiang at the Member Appreciation party was extremely well received by ACSS officers, members and their guests. ACSS thanks State Treasurer Chiang for spending time with us and supporting us in our efforts.

Top row from left: Chapter 502 President Lieutenant Coopwood, ACSS President Frank Ruffino, State Treasurer John Chiang, Arthur Anderson, Chapter 503 President James Teahan.
Bottom row from left: ACSS VP of Membership Development Arlene Espinoza, ACSS Secretary/Treasurer Pam Robison, Chapter 502 Secretary/Treasurer Lori Anderson.