CalHR Policy Update - Leadership Training and Development Requirements

Posted: 3/16/2017

CalHR has added Policy Statement 2801 – Leadership Training to the online Human Resources Manual.

New Policy: This policy introduces CalHR’s new Statewide Leadership Development Model, which establishes a comprehensive framework for meeting the training requirements for state employees appointed to and serving in leadership positions. The policy also provides guidance on leadership training requirements as prescribed by changes to Government Code section 19995.4. These changes require that:

  • Supervisors complete a minimum of 80 hours of training within 6 months of initial appointment, but not later than the term of the probationary period.
  • Managers complete a minimum of 40 hours of leadership training and development within 12 months of initial appointment.
  • Career Executive Assignment appointees (CEAs) complete a minimum of 20 hours of leadership training and development upon initial appointment.
  • All supervisors, managers and CEAs complete 20 hours of leadership training and development every two years.

CalHR’s Statewide Training Center catalog offers a variety of classes to develop state leaders. CalHR will also soon be offering an exciting new cohort based 40 hour manager training program, as well as executive development solutions, specifically and uniquely designed to address the new training requirements for state leaders. For specific questions about this policy and/or statewide leaders training solutions being developed and offered by CalHR, please contact Guy Burghgraef at (916) 322-2402 or