Special Salary Adjustments for excluded employees related to Bargaining Units 7, 13 and 15.

Posted: 4/25/2017

California Department of Human Resources (CalHR) released Pay Letters 17-08, 17-09 and 17-10 which include Special Salary Adjustments (SSA) for excluded employees related to Bargaining Unit 13 (Stationary Engineers) and Bargaining Unit 15 (Allied Services) as well as changes to pay differentials affecting excluded employees. In addition, there is an update regarding the SSA for excluded employees related to Bargaining Unit 7 who supervise sworn investigators (class code 8610) employed by the Department of Insurance and Department of Consumer Affairs.

In Pay Letter 17-08, Chief Engineer II class (S13, Class code 6695) shall receive an SSA increase of 0.87%effective November 1, 2016. ACSS advocated for the same 2% SSA to be passed to the Chief Engineer II (6695) and Chief Engineer I, Correctional Facility (6699). CalHR’s decision was to provide a 0.87% SSA for the Chief Engineer II (6695) and no SSA for the Chief Engineer I, CF (6699). According to CalHR this is consistent with their criteria and will make the pay differential between this class and the class it supervises 5%. CalHR stated that the Chief Engineer I, CF (6699) is at 5% or greater pay differential. Therefore, the SSA was not passed on.

In Pay Letter 17-09, Supervising Cook I (2180), Supervising Cook II (2181) and Correctional Supervising Cook, Correctional Facility (2183) classes (S15 and U15 Supervisory Ranges) shall receive a $300 increase SSA, effective retroactively as of July 1, 2016.

In Pay Letter 17-10:

  • Pay Differential 067 – S04, S15, S17 eligible classes listed on PD67. Criteria for the IWSP reduced from 173 to 120 hours per pay period.
  • Pay Differential 132 and Pay Differential 135 – eligible prisons and excluded employees related to SEIU BUs recruitment and retention (R&R) incentive increased from $2,400 to $2,600 and the follow prisons are now eligible for the R&F Pelican Bay, California Correctional Center, and High Desert State prisons are added.

In a Side Letter, CalHR and CSLEA reached an agreement for a new pay differential to provide a 7.44% salary increase for the Investigator (8610) class at the Department of Insurance and Department of Consumer Affairs. CalHR confirmed that related managers and supervisors are getting compensation increases. CalHR has not released a Pay Letter for this SSA yet. Specifics regarding the amount of the compensation increase and the affected excluded employee classifications will be available once the Pay Letter is released.

As more news arrives, ACSS will continue to keep ACSS members informed about pay increases and special salary adjustments for these and all other excluded employees in the future. ACSS continues to fight for fair and equitable salary and benefits for excluded employees, which includes advocating for a 10% pay differential between excluded employees and the employees they supervise.