CDCR Prop 57 - Input Request

Posted: 5/5/2017

The Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (CDCR) is implementing California Proposition 57, Credit Earning Program, Non-Violent Parole Process, and Pre-Parole Planning Process.

Proposition 57, was approved by California voters on November 8, 2016. The proposition requires the Secretary of the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation to promulgate regulations to implement the new constitutional provision contained in Section 32, Article 1 of the California Constitution including the provision pertaining to Parole Consideration and Credit Earning.

The Office of Administrative Law (OAL) approved CDCR’s Prop 57 emergency regulations on April 13, 2017. Click here to review the emergency regulations.

Per CDCR “the roll out of the various components related to the regulations will occur on or before October 2017”. Pursuant to Proposition 57, the Department is also developing regulations to permit inmates to earn Milestone Completion Credit, Educational Merit Credit, and Rehabilitative Achievement Credit” if inmates complete approved rehabilitative programs and activities. If you are an excluded employee at CDCR, ACSS is interested to hear from you regarding the additional workload and the resources necessary to meet the additional program requirements.

To preserve the rights of CDCR excluded employees and address the concerns of our members, ACSS has requested a meet and confer with CDCR. Under the Bill of Rights for State Excluded Employees Government Code Section 3533 a “Meet and Confer” means that the state employer shall consider as fully as it deems reasonable, such presentations as are made by ACSS - the verified supervisory employee organization - on behalf of its supervisory members prior to arriving at a determination of policy or course of action.

If you are a CDCR excluded employee, you may be impacted by the implementation of Proposition 57, Credit Earning Program, Non-Violent Parole Process, and Pre-Parole Planning Process. If you are a member of ACSS and have any questions or concerns that you would like ACSS to address, please contact me via email at by Friday, May 12th, 2017. Your thoughts and input regarding the implementation of Prop 57 are important to ensure that the concerns of all impacted members are addressed.