ACSS Meets With Caltrans to Discuss Pay and Benefits for Supervisors and Managers

Posted: 7/5/2018

On June 12, 2018, ACSS President Frank Ruffino, ACSS Director of Representation Nellie Lynn, and ACSS Attorney Gerald James met with the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) Director Laurie Berman and key members of her executive team. Ruffino acknowledged Director Berman was taking the helm of the Department as Caltrans begins to deliver Senate Bill 1 projects around the state. ACSS was an early supporter of SB 1, the Road Repair and Accountability Act, to help California rebuild and maintain our transportation system. In addition to investing in our transportation infrastructure, ACSS encouraged Caltrans to take action supporting appropriate pay and benefits for the supervisory and managerial employees who are helping to deliver these projects.

Director Berman has been with Caltrans for 35 years, holding various supervisory and managerial positions along the way. “Caltrans will continue to invest and provide training for our managers and staff as we deliver twice as many projects as before Senate Bill 1,” said Director Berman. “The department is hiring thousands of people over the next several years to meet the demand.”

ACSS is working collaboratively with Caltrans Labor Relations to identify and address salary concerns for supervisors and managers. We look forward to working with Director Berman on these issues. After the meeting, Ruffino mentioned, “Director Berman understands the important role that supervisors and managers play in project delivery. ACSS continues to appreciate a positive working relationship with Caltrans and to build on the relationship with Director Berman.”