Don’t Forget to Vote in the Upcoming Special Election!
ACSS supports Governor Newsom and we encourage a “NO” vote in the recall election. Take action to ensure that we retain a leader in office that supports resolving salary compaction and protecting your hard-earned pension. Make sure you mail in your ballot (post-marked) before Tuesday September 14th or vote in-person on Tuesday September 14th to make your voice heard!
Yesterday Kamala Harris stood by Governor Newsom in a rally in San Leandro to support the Governor and protest the recall effort. Harris praised Newsom’s COVID-19 policies by saying he “led with courage” during the early days of the pandemic in locking down California ahead of the rest of the country to limit the spread of the coronavirus.
If Newsom is recalled, the long list of replacement candidates could work against the best interests of ACSS members by threatening your hard-earned pension and future compensation. In addition, some candidates may roll back Newsom’s COVID-19 policies, which keep Californians safe. Todd D’Braunstein, President of ACSS, stated, “Not only is it clear that candidates opposing Newsom are anti-pension and anti-labor, it is clear that a NO on the recall is a YES to preserving your pension and ensuring your rightful compensation.”
While recent polls show Newsom is slightly in favor, he still needs your support. Don’t forget to mail in your ballot on or before September 14th! We stand by Governor Newsom and we strongly encourage ACSS members to do the same to ensure your rights, pension, and best interests are protected.
Here are some additional guides and helpful information regarding the Recall Election