(Jones-Sawyer D)
Excluded employees.
Current Text: Amended: 7/3/2024 html pdf
Introduced: 2/15/2023
Last Amend: 7/3/2024
Status: 8/5/2024-In committee: Referred to APPR
suspense file.
Location: 8/5/2024-S. APPR. SUSPENSE
Calendar: 8/15/2024 Upon
adjournment of Session - 1021 O Street, Room 2200
Summary: Existing law requires the
Department of Human Resources to establish and adjust salary ranges for each
class of position in the state civil service, subject to any merit limits
contained in the California Constitution. Existing law provides that, after
completion of the first year in a position, an employee shall receive a merit
salary adjustment during each year when they meet the standards of
efficiency, as prescribed by the department. Existing law, the Ralph C. Dills
Act, governs collective bargaining between the state and recognized state
public employee organizations. The act defines “state employee” for purposes
of the act and excludes certain employees from that definition, including
managerial employees, supervisory employees, and confidential employees. This
bill would require an employee who is excluded from the definition of “state
employee” to be informed in writing of a merit salary adjustment denial 10
working days before the proposed effective date of the adjustment.
Sponsor letter sent to Author -- 3/13/23
Sponsor letter sent to Asm. PE&R -- 3/13/23
Sponsor letter sent to Asm. APPR -- 4/14/23
Sponsor letter sent to Sen. LPER -- 7/1/24
Sponsor letter sent to Sen. APPR -- 7/21/24
(Holden D)
Health care coverage: provider directories.
Current Text: Amended: 6/27/2024 html pdf
Introduced: 1/13/2023
Last Amend: 6/27/2024
Status: 8/5/2024-In committee: Referred to APPR
suspense file.
Location: 8/5/2024-S. APPR. SUSPENSE
Calendar: 8/15/2024 Upon
adjournment of Session - 1021 O Street, Room 2200 SENATE APPROPRIATIONS
Summary: Existing law, the Knox-Keene
Health Care Service Plan Act of 1975, provides for the licensure and
regulation of health care service plans by the Department of Managed Health
Care, and makes a willful violation of the act a crime. Existing law provides
for the regulation of health insurers by the Department of Insurance.
Existing law requires a health care service plan and a health insurer that
contracts with providers for alternative rates of payment to publish and
maintain a provider directory or directories with information on contracting
providers that deliver health care services enrollees or insureds, and
requires a health care service plan and health insurer to regularly update
its printed and online provider directory or directories, as specified.
Existing law authorizes the departments to require a plan or insurer to
provide coverage for all covered health care services provided to an enrollee
or insured who reasonably relied on materially inaccurate, incomplete, or
misleading information contained in a health plan’s provider directory or
directories. This bill would require a plan or insurer to annually verify and
delete inaccurate listings from its provider directories, and would require a
provider directory to be 60% accurate on July 1, 2025, with increasing
required percentage accuracy benchmarks to be met each year until the
directories are 95% accurate on or before July 1, 2028. The bill would
subject a plan or insurer to administrative penalties for failure to meet the
prescribed benchmarks. The bill would require a plan or insurer to arrange
care and provide coverage for all covered health care services provided to an
enrollee or insured who reasonably relied on inaccurate, incomplete, or
misleading information contained in a health plan or policy’s provider
directory or directories and to reimburse the provider the contracted amount
for those services. The bill would prohibit a provider from collecting an
additional amount from an enrollee or insured other than the applicable
in-network cost sharing. The bill would require a plan or insurer to provide
information about in-network providers to enrollees and insureds upon
request, and would limit the cost-sharing amounts an enrollee or insured is
required to pay for services from those providers under specified
circumstances. This bill contains other related provisions and other existing
Support letter sent to Author -- 7/31/24
Support letter sent to Sen.
Appr -- 7/31/24
(Jones-Sawyer D)
Legislature: retirement.
Current Text: Introduced: 3/14/2024 html pdf
Introduced: 3/14/2024
Status: 3/14/2024-Read first time. To print.
Location: 3/14/2024-A. PRINT
Summary: The California Constitution
permits Members of the Legislature elected or serving after November 1, 1990,
to participate only in the federal Social Security System, and prohibits
those Members from accruing any other pension or retirement benefits as a
result of service in the Legislature. This measure would authorize a Member
of the Legislature who is first elected to the Legislature for a term
commencing on or after December 3, 2024, to elect to participate in the
Public Employees’ Retirement System in any state retirement plan in which a
majority of the employees of the state may participate. The measure would
provide that retirement credit earned by a person through service in another
state or local government agency may qualify for credit in that state
retirement plan. The measure would permit the State to pay only the
employer’s contribution necessary for participation in the Public Employees’
Retirement System.
(Newman D)
Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation: reports: assaults.
Current Text: Amended: 6/10/2024 html pdf
Introduced: 2/15/2024
Last Amend: 6/10/2024
Status: 8/7/2024-August 7 set for first hearing.
Placed on suspense file.
Location: 8/7/2024-A. APPR. SUSPENSE
Calendar: 8/15/2024 Upon
adjournment of Session - 1021 O Street, Room 1100
Summary: Existing law establishes the
Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation and sets forth its powers and
duties regarding the administration of correctional facilities and the care
and custody of inmates and wards. Existing law requires the department to
establish a statewide policy on operational procedures for the handling of
threats made by inmates or wards, and threats made by family members of
inmates or wards, against department staff that includes methods to ensure
that department staff members are advised of those threats, as specified, and
requires those threats to be thoroughly investigated. This bill would require
the department to make a report regarding assaults, as defined, against
employees, quarterly to all bargaining units at the department, and annually
to the Legislature and the chairs of the Senate Committee on Budget and
Fiscal Review and the Assembly Committee on Budget. The bill would require
the reports to appropriately protect the confidentiality of patients,
inmates, and employees and to include certain information, including the date
of the assault and the name of the facility where the incident occurred.
(Gabriel D)
Budget Act of 2024.
Current Text: Amended: 6/22/2024 html pdf
Introduced: 1/9/2023
Last Amend: 6/22/2024
Status: 7/1/2024-Re-referred to Com. on B. &
Location: 7/1/2024-S. BUDGET &
Summary: The Budget Act of 2024 made
appropriations for the support of state government for the 2024–25 fiscal
year. This bill would amend the Budget Act of 2024 by amending, adding, and
repealing items of appropriation and making other changes. This bill contains
other related provisions.
(Arambula D)
State Department of State Hospitals: civil service psychiatrists.
Current Text: Amended: 6/17/2024 html pdf
Introduced: 1/26/2023
Last Amend: 6/17/2024
Status: 8/6/2024-Read second time. Ordered to third
Location: 8/6/2024-S. THIRD READING
Calendar: 8/12/2024 #206
Summary: Existing law establishes the
State Department of State Hospitals within the California Health and Human
Services Agency and provides the department with jurisdiction over specified
facilities for the care and treatment of persons with mental health disorders.
This bill would require, on or before January 31, 2026, the State Department
of State Hospitals to submit a report to the Senate Committee on Budget and
the Assembly Committee on Budget providing amounts expended during the
2024–25 fiscal year, pursuant to Article 10.15 of the Bargaining Unit 16
Memorandum of Understanding between the State of California and the Union of
American Physicians and Dentists, as specified. The bill would make that
provision inoperative on June 30, 2026, and would repeal this provision as of
January 1, 2027.
(Wicks D)
Paid family leave: eligibility: care for designated persons.
Current Text: Amended: 9/8/2023 html pdf
Introduced: 2/7/2023
Last Amend: 9/8/2023
Status: 9/14/2023-Failed Deadline pursuant to Rule
61(a)(14). (Last location was INACTIVE FILE on 9/13/2023)(May be acted upon
Jan 2024)
Location: 9/14/2023-S. 2 YEAR
Summary: Existing unemployment
compensation disability law requires workers to pay contribution rates based
on, among other things, wages received in employment and benefit
disbursement, for payment into the Unemployment Compensation Disability Fund,
a special fund in the State Treasury. That fund is continuously appropriated
for the purpose of providing disability benefits and making payment of
expenses in administering those provisions. Existing law establishes, within
the above state disability insurance program, a family temporary disability
insurance program, also known as the paid family leave program, for the
provision of wage replacement benefits for up to 8 weeks to workers who take
time off work for prescribed purposes, including to care for a seriously ill
family member. Existing law defines terms for its purposes, including “family
care leave” and “family member.” This bill would expand eligibility for
benefits under the paid family leave program to include individuals who take
time off work to care for a seriously ill designated person. The bill would
define “designated person” to mean any individual related by blood or whose
association with the employee is the equivalent of a family relationship. The
bill would authorize the employee to identify the designated person when they
file a claim for benefits. The bill would make conforming changes to the
definitions of the terms “family care leave” and “family member.” The bill
would make these changes operative on and after November 1, 2024. This bill
contains other related provisions and other existing laws.
(Arambula D)
Personal services contracts: state employees: physician registry for
state hospitals.
Current Text: Introduced: 2/13/2023 html pdf
Introduced: 2/13/2023
Status: 9/1/2023-Failed Deadline pursuant to Rule
61(a)(11). (Last location was APPR. SUSPENSE FILE on 7/3/2023)(May be acted
upon Jan 2024)
Location: 9/1/2023-S. 2 YEAR
Summary: Existing law, the State Civil
Service Act, regulates employment with the state and vests in the Department
of Human Resources all powers, duties, and authority necessary to operate the
state civil service system. Existing law permits the use of personal services
contracts for purposes of cost savings when specified conditions are met,
including when the potential economic advantage of contracting is not
outweighed by the public’s interest in having a particular function performed
directly by the state government. Existing law establishes the State
Department of State Hospitals within the California Health and Human Services
Agency, and provides the department with jurisdiction over specified
facilities for the care and treatment of persons with mental health
disorders, including the Patton State Hospital. This bill would require the State
Department of State Hospitals to establish, by January 1, 2025, a physician
registry for the Patton State Hospital to be composed of members of State
Bargaining Unit 16, under a 3-year pilot program. The bill would require the
department to conduct and post on its internet website a semiannual survey of
managers and employees to determine the efficacy of the registry. By January
10, 2026, and each year thereafter for the duration of the pilot program, the
bill would require the department to submit a report to the Legislature that
includes a study of the effectiveness of the registry to determine if the
registry compensation rates were successful in addressing the operational
needs for flexible services at a lower cost than contract registries. The bill
would make the implementation of its provisions contingent upon an
appropriation by the Legislature in the annual Budget Act or other statute,
and would repeal its provisions on January 1, 2029. This bill contains other
existing laws.
Stephanie D) Public employees’ retirement: Public Employees’
Retirement System optional settlements.
Current Text: Amended: 6/18/2024 html pdf
Introduced: 2/16/2023
Last Amend: 6/18/2024
Status: 6/19/2024-Read second time. Ordered to
third reading.
Location: 6/19/2024-S. THIRD READING
Calendar: 8/12/2024 #101
Summary: The Public Employees’
Retirement Law (PERL) establishes the Public Employees’ Retirement System
(PERS) to provide pension and other benefits to members of PERS. Existing law
permits a member of PERS who retires on or before December 31, 2017, to elect
from among several optional settlements for the purpose of structuring the
member’s retirement allowance. Existing law also permits a member of PERS who
retires on or after January 1, 2018, to elect from among several other
optional settlements for the purpose of structuring their retirement
allowance. Existing law prohibits a member who elects to receive specified
optional settlements from changing the member’s optional settlement and
designated beneficiary after election of an optional settlement unless a specified
event occurs, including the death of a beneficiary who predeceased the
member, a dissolution of marriage or a legal separation in which the judgment
dividing the community property awards the total interest in the retirement
system to the retired member, or in an annulment of marriage in which the
court confirms the annulment. This bill would, commencing January 1, 2025,
2026, permit a member who elected to receive a specified optional settlement
at retirement, if the member’s former spouse was named as beneficiary and a
legal judgment awards only a portion of the interest in the retirement system
to the retired member, to elect to add their new spouse as the beneficiary of
the member’s interest, subject to meeting certain conditions. This bill would
authorize a member to elect this option only once and would preclude
elections that would be in derogation of the former spouse’s interest in the
retirement system. The bill would preclude elections that would result in
additional costs to the employer. This bill contains other related
(Flora R)
State employees: compensation: firefighters.
Current Text: Introduced: 2/16/2023 html pdf
Introduced: 2/16/2023
Status: 9/1/2023-In committee: Held under
submission. (Set for hearing on 08/15/2024)
Location: 8/9/2024-S. APPR. SUSPENSE
Calendar: 8/15/2024 Upon
adjournment of Session - 1021 O Street, Room 2200
Summary: Existing law provides that in
order for the state to recruit skilled firefighters for the Department of
Forestry and Fire Protection, it is the policy of the state to consider
prevailing salaries and benefits prior to making salary recommendations.
Existing law requires the Department of Human Resources, in order to provide
comparability in pay, to take into consideration the salary and benefits of
other jurisdictions employing 75 or more full-time firefighters who work in
California. This bill would require the state to pay firefighters who are
rank-and-file members of State Bargaining Unit 8, employed by the Department
of Forestry and Fire Protection, within 15% of the average salary for
corresponding ranks in 20 listed California fire departments. The bill would
require the state and the exclusive representative for State Bargaining Unit
8 to jointly survey annually and calculate the estimated average salaries for
those fire departments. The bill would provide that when determining compensation
for uniformed classifications of the department, it is the policy of the
state to consider the salary of corresponding ranks within the comparable
jurisdictions listed, as well as other factors, including internal
comparisons. The bill would require any salary increase for firefighters
under these provisions to be implemented through a memorandum of
understanding, in accordance with specified procedures governing collective
bargaining agreements. The bill would include related legislative findings.
(Garcia D)
Safe Drinking Water, Wildfire Prevention, Drought Preparation, Flood
Protection, Extreme Heat Mitigation, Clean Energy, and Workforce Development
Bond Act of 2024.
Current Text: Amended: 5/26/2023 html pdf
Introduced: 2/17/2023
Last Amend: 5/26/2023
Status: 5/22/2024-Re-referred to Com. on N.R. &
Location: 5/22/2024-S. N.R. & W.
Summary: The California Drought, Water,
Parks, Climate, Coastal Protection, and Outdoor Access For All Act of 2018,
approved by the voters as Proposition 68 at the June 5, 2018, statewide
primary election, authorizes the issuance of bonds in the amount of
$4,100,000,000 pursuant to the State General Obligation Bond Law to finance a
drought, water, parks, climate, coastal protection, and outdoor access for all
program. Article XVI of the California Constitution requires measures
authorizing general obligation bonds to specify the single object or work to
be funded by the bonds and further requires a bond act to be approved by a
2/3 vote of each house of the Legislature and a majority of the voters. This
bill would enact the Safe Drinking Water, Wildfire Prevention, Drought
Preparation, Flood Protection, Extreme Heat Mitigation, Clean Energy, and
Workforce Development Bond Act of 2024, which, if approved by the voters,
would authorize the issuance of bonds in the amount of $15,995,000,000
pursuant to the State General Obligation Bond Law to finance projects for
safe drinking water, wildfire prevention, drought preparation, flood
protection, extreme heat mitigation, clean energy, and workforce development
programs. This bill contains other related provisions.
(Gabriel D)
Budget Act of 2024.
Current Text: Introduced: 1/10/2024 html pdf
Introduced: 1/10/2024
Status: 1/16/2024-Referred to Com. on BUDGET.
Location: 1/16/2024-A. BUDGET
Summary: This bill would make
appropriations for the support of state government for the 2024–25 fiscal
year. This bill contains other related provisions.
(McKinnor D)
Teachers’ Retirement Law.
Current Text: Amended: 4/1/2024 html pdf
Introduced: 1/30/2024
Last Amend: 4/1/2024
Status: 6/24/2024-In committee: Referred to
suspense file.
Location: 6/24/2024-S. APPR.
Calendar: 8/15/2024 Upon
adjournment of Session - 1021 O Street, Room 2200
Summary: Existing law, the Teachers’
Retirement Law, establishes the State Teachers’ Retirement System (STRS) and
creates the Defined Benefit Program of the State Teachers’ Retirement Plan,
which provides a defined benefit to members of the program, based on final
compensation, creditable service, and age at retirement, subject to certain
variations. STRS is administered by the Teachers’ Retirement Board. Existing
law requires employers and employees to make contributions to the system
based on the member’s creditable compensation. Existing law defines terms for
the purposes of STRS. Existing law defines “annualized pay rate” to mean the
salary or wages, as described, a person could earn during a school term for
an assignment if creditable service were performed for that assignment on a
full-time basis. Existing law establishes a pay rate when creditable service
is not performed on a full-time basis because a member is performing
activities pursuant to specified law. This bill would redefine “annualized
pay rate” to mean the salary, as described, a person could earn during a
school term in a position subject to membership if creditable service were
performed for that position on a full-time basis, to be determined pursuant
to a publicly available pay schedule by a prescribed method. The bill, if no
annualized pay rate exists for a position subject to membership, would deem
all compensation earned in that position “supplemental pay,” as prescribed.
This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws.
(Grayson D)
County employees’ retirement: compensation.
Current Text: Amended: 6/27/2024 html pdf
Introduced: 2/8/2024
Last Amend: 6/27/2024
Status: 6/27/2024-Read second time and amended.
Ordered to third reading.
Location: 6/27/2024-S. THIRD READING
Calendar: 8/12/2024 #141
Summary: Existing law, the California
Public Employees’ Pension Reform Act of 2013 (PEPRA), generally requires a
public retirement system, as defined, to modify its plan or plans to comply
with the act. PEPRA, among other things, establishes new defined benefit
formulas and caps on pensionable compensation. The County Employees
Retirement Law of 1937 (CERL) authorizes counties to establish retirement
systems pursuant to its provisions in order to provide pension benefits to
their employees. CERL generally vests management of each retirement system in
a board of retirement. CERL defines “compensation earnable” by a member, for
the purpose of calculating benefits, to mean the average compensation, as
determined by the board, for the period under consideration upon the basis of
the average number of days ordinarily worked by persons in the same grade or
class of positions during the period, and the same rate of pay, subject to
certain exceptions. This bill would authorize a retirement system, to the
extent it has not defined “grade” in the above-described circumstances, to
define “grade” to mean a number of employees considered together because they
share similarities in job duties, schedules, unit recruitment requirements,
work location, collective bargaining unit, or other logical work-related
group or class, as specified. The bill would specify that these provisions
shall not become operative in a county until the board of supervisors of that
county, by resolution adopted by majority vote, makes the provisions
applicable in that county. This bill contains other existing laws.
(McKinnor D)
Public employment: compensation and classification.
Current Text: Amended: 5/16/2024 html pdf
Introduced: 2/12/2024
Last Amend: 5/16/2024
Status: 8/5/2024-In committee: Referred to APPR
suspense file.
Location: 8/5/2024-S. APPR. SUSPENSE
Calendar: 8/15/2024 Upon
adjournment of Session - 1021 O Street, Room 2200
Summary: The California Constitution
provides that the civil service includes every officer and employee of the
state, except as provided, and requires that in the civil service, permanent
appointment and promotion be made under a merit-based system ascertained by
competitive examination. Existing law, the State Civil Service Act,
prescribes a comprehensive personnel system for the state with appointments
to be based on merit and fitness established by competitive tests. Existing
law states the purposes of the State Civil Service Act, including, among
others, to provide a comprehensive personnel system in which positions
involving comparable duties and responsibilities are similarly classified and
compensated. This bill would expand that purpose to include that the
compensation relationship between state civil positions with comparable
duties and responsibilities is maintained. This bill contains other related
provisions and other existing laws.
(Low D)
Employer-employee relations: confidential communications.
Current Text: Amended: 6/17/2024 html pdf
Introduced: 2/13/2024
Last Amend: 6/17/2024
Status: 8/5/2024-In committee: Referred to APPR
suspense file.
Location: 8/5/2024-S. APPR. SUSPENSE
Calendar: 8/15/2024 Upon
adjournment of Session - 1021 O Street, Room 2200 SENATE APPROPRIATIONS
Summary: Existing law that governs the
labor relations of public employees and employers, including the
Meyers-Milias-Brown Act, the Ralph C. Dills Act, and provisions relating to
judicial employees, public schools, higher education, the San Francisco Bay
Area Rapid Transit District, the Santa Cruz Metropolitan Transit District,
the Sacramento Regional Transit District, and other public transit employees,
prohibits employers from taking certain actions relating to employee
organizations. This includes imposing or threatening to impose reprisals on
employees, discriminating or threatening to discriminate against employees,
or otherwise interfering with, restraining, or coercing employees because of
their exercise of their guaranteed rights. Those provisions further prohibit
denying to employee organizations the rights guaranteed to them by existing
law. This bill would also prohibit a local public agency employer, a state
employer, a judicial employer, a public school employer, a higher education
employer, or the district from questioning any employee or employee
representative regarding communications made in confidence between an
employee and an employee representative in connection with representation
relating to any matter within the scope of the recognized employee
organization’s representation. The bill would provide that communications
between an employee and their employee representative would not be
confidential if, at any time, the representative was a witness or party to
any of the events forming the basis of a potential administrative
disciplinary or criminal investigation.
(Gabriel D)
Whistleblower protection: state and local government procedures.
Current Text: Amended: 6/27/2024 html pdf
Introduced: 2/13/2024
Last Amend: 6/27/2024
Status: 8/5/2024-In committee: Referred to APPR
suspense file.
Location: 8/5/2024-S. APPR. SUSPENSE
Calendar: 8/15/2024 Upon
adjournment of Session - 1021 O Street, Room 2200
Summary: Existing law authorizes a city,
county, or city and county auditor or controller to maintain a whistleblower
hotline to receive calls from persons who have information regarding fraud,
waste, or abuse by local government employees, as specified. Existing law
authorizes the county auditor to refer calls received on the whistleblower
hotline to the appropriate government authority for review and possible
investigation. During the initial review of a call, existing law requires the
auditor, controller, or other appropriate governmental agency to hold in
confidence information disclosed through the whistleblower hotline, as
specified. Upon receiving specific information that an employee or local
government has engaged in an improper government activity, existing law
authorizes a city or county auditor to conduct an investigative audit of the
matter, as specified. Existing law requires the identity of the individual or
individuals reporting the improper government activity, and the subject
employee or employees to be kept confidential. Existing law defines “fraud,
waste, or abuse” to mean any activity by a local agency or employee that is
undertaken in the performance of the employee’s official duties, as
described, that is in violation of any local, state, or federal law or
regulation relating to, among other things, corruption. This bill would also
authorize a city, county, or city and county auditor or controller to
maintain a whistleblower hotline to receive calls from persons who have
information regarding improper governmental activity, and would recast
information regarding fraud, waste, or abuse by local government employees as
improper governmental activity. The bill would instead authorize a city or
county auditor or controller, or auditor’s or controller’s designee, to
conduct an investigative audit of the matter upon receiving specific
information that an employee or local government has engaged in a fraud,
waste, or abuse or improper governmental activity, as specified. The bill
would also require the identity of the individual or individuals reporting
the fraud, waste, or abuse, and the subject employee or employees to be kept
confidential. The bill would expand the above-described duties and
authorizations to the auditor’s or controller’s designee, as specified. The
bill would revise the definition of “fraud, waste, or abuse” to also define
“improper governmental activity,” and expand the scope of those terms to
include activity by a local agency, employee, or contractor or subcontractor.
(Calderon D)
Employer notification: continuation coverage.
Current Text: Amended: 7/3/2024 html pdf
Introduced: 2/13/2024
Last Amend: 7/3/2024
Status: 8/5/2024-In committee: Referred to APPR
suspense file.
Location: 8/5/2024-S. APPR. SUSPENSE
Calendar: 8/15/2024 Upon
adjournment of Session - 1021 O Street, Room 2200
Summary: Existing federal law, the
Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1985, and known as COBRA,
requires that certain employers provide former employees with continuation of
benefits. COBRA requires that an employee be notified of the continuation of
coverage for which the employee may be eligible upon certain qualifying
events, including termination. Existing law requires all employers, whether
public or private, to provide employees, upon termination, notification of
all continuation, disability extension, and conversion coverage options under
any employer-sponsored coverage for which the employee may remain eligible.
This bill would require all employers, whether public or private, to provide
a notice to employees, following termination or reduction in hours, as
specified, stating that the employee may be eligible for coverage under COBRA
and that the employee will receive an election notice from the plan
administrator or group health plan, as provided. The bill would authorize an
employer to provide the notification via hard copy or via email to an
employee’s email account if the employee elects to receive electronic
statements or materials, as prescribed. The bill would prohibit an employer
from discharging or taking other adverse action against an employee who does
not elect to receive electronic statements or materials.
(Grayson D)
Department of Forestry and Fire Protection: seasonal firefighters.
Current Text: Amended: 6/27/2024 html pdf
Introduced: 2/13/2024
Last Amend: 6/27/2024
Status: 8/5/2024-In committee: Referred to APPR
suspense file.
Location: 8/5/2024-S. APPR. SUSPENSE
Calendar: 8/15/2024 Upon
adjournment of Session - 1021 O Street, Room 2200
Summary: The California Constitution
establishes certain conditions of employment for state officers and
employees. The California Constitution further permits a temporary
appointment to be made to a state position if there is not an employment
list, and prohibits a person from serving under the position of temporary
appointment for longer than 9 months in 12 consecutive months. Existing law
establishes that it is the policy of the state that the normal workweek of
permanent employees in fire suppression classes of the Department of Forestry
and Fire Protection (CAL-FIRE) not exceed 84 hours per week. Existing law
authorizes work in excess of the designated normal workweek to be compensated
in cash or time off in accordance with department regulations. This bill
would require the Department of Human Resources, the State Personnel Board,
and any other relevant state agency to take the necessary actions to ensure
that CAL-FIRE may employ seasonal firefighters for longer than 9 months in a
consecutive 12-month period to confront emergency fire conditions and
personnel shortages. The bill would require the Director of Forestry and Fire
Protection, in any consecutive 12-month period, to make a determination about
current staffing levels for firefighters, as prescribed, and would require
Cal-FIRE to employ seasonal firefighters through the use of an employment
list. The bill would require CAL-FIRE to notify specified legislative
committees and the Legislative Analyst’s Office within 30 days of the
director’s determination. The bill would require CAL-FIRE, beginning January
1, 2025, to work with the Department of Human Resources to implement these
changes. The bill would also require the Legislative Analyst’s Office to
provide a report to the Legislature that assesses the impacts and outcomes of
the new authority, as specified. The bill would repeal these provisions on
January 1, 2031. This bill contains other existing laws.
(Jackson D)
Behavioral health and wellness screenings: notice.
Current Text: Enrollment: 8/8/2024 html pdf
Introduced: 2/14/2024
Last Amend: 6/11/2024
Status: 8/8/2024-Senate amendments concurred in. To
Engrossing and Enrolling.
Location: 8/8/2024-A. ENROLLMENT
Summary: Existing law, the Knox-Keene
Health Care Service Plan Act of 1975, provides for the licensure and
regulation of health care service plans by the Department of Managed Health
Care, and makes a willful violation of the act a crime. Existing law provides
for the regulation of health insurers by the Department of Insurance. This
bill would require a health care service plan, except as specified, or health
insurer to provide to enrollees and insureds a written or electronic notice
regarding the benefits of a behavioral health and wellness screening, as
defined, for children and adolescents 8 to 18 years of age. The bill would
require a health care service plan or insurer to provide the notice annually.
Because a violation of the bill’s requirements relative to a health care
service plan would be crimes, the bill would impose a state-mandated local
program. This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws.
(Calderon D)
Department of Insurance: sworn members: compensation.
Current Text: Amended: 4/10/2024 html pdf
Introduced: 2/15/2024
Last Amend: 4/10/2024
Status: 8/5/2024-In committee: Referred to APPR
suspense file.
Location: 8/5/2024-S. APPR. SUSPENSE
Calendar: 8/15/2024 Upon
adjournment of Session - 1021 O Street, Room 2200
Summary: Existing law, the State Civil
Service Act, regulates employment with the state and vests in the Department
of Human Resources all powers, duties, and authorities necessary to operate
the state civil service system in accordance with Article VII of the California
Constitution, the Government Code, the merit principle, and applicable rules
duly adopted by the State Personnel Board. Existing law requires the
department to establish and adjust salary ranges for each class of position
in the state civil service, as specified. Existing law requires the state, in
order to recruit and retain the highest qualified employees, to pay sworn
members of the California Highway Patrol who are rank-and-file members of
State Bargaining Unit 5 the estimated average total compensation for each
corresponding rank for the Los Angeles Police Department, Los Angeles County
Sheriff’s Office, San Diego Police Department, Oakland Police Department, and
San Francisco Police Department, as specified. This bill would require,
notwithstanding any other law, that sworn members of the Department of
Insurance who are rank-and-file members of State Bargaining Unit 7 be paid
the same compensation as is paid to the corresponding rank-and-file sworn
peace officer employees of the Department of Justice. This bill contains
other existing laws.
(Bauer-Kahan D)
Artificial intelligence.
Current Text: Amended: 4/18/2024 html pdf
Introduced: 2/15/2024
Last Amend: 4/18/2024
Status: 8/5/2024-From Consent Calendar. Ordered to
third reading.
Location: 8/5/2024-S. THIRD READING
Calendar: 8/12/2024 #185
Summary: Existing law establishes the
Government Operations Agency, which is governed by the Secretary of
Government Operations. Existing law requires the Secretary of Government
Operations to develop a coordinated plan to, among other things, evaluate the
impact of the proliferation of deepfakes, defined to mean audio or visual
content that has been generated or manipulated by artificial intelligence
that would falsely appear to be authentic or truthful and that features
depictions of people appearing to say or do things they did not say or do
without their consent, on state government, California-based businesses, and
residents of the state. Existing law establishes within the Government
Operations Agency the Department of Technology, which is supervised by the Director
of Technology. Existing law requires the Department of Technology to conduct,
in coordination with other interagency bodies as it deems appropriate, a
comprehensive inventory of all high-risk automated decision systems that have
been proposed for use, development, or procurement by, or are being used,
developed, or procured by, any state agency. Existing law defines an
“automated decision system” as a computational process derived from machine
learning, statistical modeling, data analytics, or artificial intelligence
that issues simplified output, including a score, classification, or
recommendation, that is used to assist or replace human discretionary
decisionmaking and materially impacts natural persons. Existing law requires
each local agency, as defined, to provide specified information to the public
before approving an economic development subsidy, as defined, within its
jurisdiction, and to, among other things, hold hearings and issue annual
reports on those subsidies, as provided. Existing law requires those reports
to contain, among other things, information about any net job loss or
replacement due to the use of automation, artificial intelligence, or other
technologies, if known. This bill would define the term ”artificial
intelligence” for the purposes of the above-described provisions to mean an
engineered or machine-based system that varies in its level of autonomy and
that can, for explicit or implicit objectives, infer from the input it
receives how to generate outputs that can influence physical or virtual
environments. This bill contains other existing laws.
(Bonta D)
Health care coverage: essential health benefits.
Current Text: Amended: 4/10/2024 html pdf
Introduced: 2/15/2024
Last Amend: 4/10/2024
Status: 8/6/2024-Read second time. Ordered to third
Location: 8/6/2024-S. THIRD READING
Calendar: 8/12/2024 #263
Summary: Existing law, the Knox-Keene
Health Care Service Plan Act of 1975, requires the Department of Managed
Health Care to license and regulate health care service plans. Existing law
requires the Department of Insurance to regulate health insurers. Existing law
requires an individual or small group health care service plan contract or
health insurance policy issued, amended, or renewed on or after January 1,
2017, to include, at a minimum, coverage for essential health benefits
pursuant to the federal Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. Existing
law requires a health care service plan contract or health insurance policy
to cover the same health benefits that the benchmark plan, the Kaiser
Foundation Health Plan Small Group HMO 30 plan, offered during the first
quarter of 2014, as specified. This bill would express the intent of the
Legislature to review California’s essential health benefits benchmark plan
and establish a new benchmark plan for the 2027 plan year. The bill would
limit the applicability of the current benchmark plan benefits to plan years
on or before the 2027 plan year.
(Valencia D)
County employees’ retirement: disallowed compensation: benefit
Current Text: Amended: 6/27/2024 html pdf
Introduced: 2/16/2024
Last Amend: 6/27/2024
Status: 6/27/2024-Read second time and amended.
Ordered to third reading.
Location: 6/27/2024-S. THIRD READING
Calendar: 8/12/2024 #136
Summary: Existing law, the California
Public Employees’ Pension Reform Act of 2013 (PEPRA), generally requires a
public retirement system, as defined, to modify its plan or plans to comply
with the act. PEPRA, among other things, establishes new defined benefit
formulas and caps on pensionable compensation. The County Employees
Retirement Law of 1937 (CERL) authorizes counties to establish retirement
systems pursuant to its provisions in order to provide pension benefits to
their employees. CERL generally vests management of each retirement system in
a board of retirement. CERL authorizes a board of retirement to correct
errors in the calculation of a retired member’s monthly allowances or other
benefits under CERL in certain circumstances, including if the member caused
their final compensation to be improperly increased or otherwise overstated
at the time of retirement, and the system applied that overstated amount as
the basis for calculating the member’s monthly retirement allowance or
benefits under CERL, subject to certain limitations. The Public Employees’
Retirement Law (PERL) also authorizes its board of administration to adjust
retirement payments due to errors or omissions, including for cases in which
the retirement systems that the benefits of a member or annuitant are, or
would be, based on disallowed compensation that conflicts with PEPRA and
other specified laws and is thus impermissible. This bill would require a
retirement system established under CERL, upon determining that the
compensation reported for a member is disallowed compensation, to require the
employer, as defined, to discontinue reporting the disallowed compensation. The
bill would require, for an active member, the retirement system to credit all
employer contributions made on the disallowed compensation against future
contributions to the benefit of the employer that reported the disallowed
compensation, and return any member contribution paid by, or on behalf of,
that member, to the member directly or indirectly through the employer that
reported the disallowed compensation, except in certain circumstances in
which a system has already initiated a process, as defined, to recalculate
compensation. The bill would require the system, for a retired member,
survivor, or beneficiary whose final compensation was predicated upon the
disallowed compensation, to credit the employer contributions made on the
disallowed compensation against future contributions, to the benefit of the
employer that reported the disallowed compensation, to return any member
contributions paid by, or on behalf of, that member, to the member directly,
and to permanently adjust the benefit of the affected retired member,
survivor, or beneficiary to reflect the exclusion of the disallowed
compensation. The bill would establish other conditions required to be
satisfied with respect to a retired member, survivor, or beneficiary when
final compensation was predicated upon disallowed compensation, including,
among others, requiring a specified payment to be made by the employer that
reported contributions on the disallowed compensation to the retired member,
survivor, or beneficiary, as appropriate. The bill would authorize a
retirement system that has initiated a process prior to January 1, 2024, to
permanently adjust the benefit of the affected retired member, survivor, or
beneficiary to reflect the exclusion of the disallowed compensation to use
that system in lieu of specified provisions that the bill would enact. The
bill would also require certain information regarding the relevant retired
member, survivor, or beneficiary needed for purposes of these provisions to
be kept confidential by the recipient
(Dodd D)
Office of Wildfire Technology Research and Development.
Current Text: Amended: 6/13/2024 html pdf
Introduced: 1/11/2023
Last Amend: 6/13/2024
Status: 8/7/2024-August 7 set for first hearing.
Placed on suspense file.
Location: 8/7/2024-A. APPR. SUSPENSE
Calendar: 8/15/2024 Upon
adjournment of Session - 1021 O Street, Room 1100 ASSEMBLY APPROPRIATIONS
Summary: Existing law, until January 1,
2029, establishes the Office of Wildfire Technology Research and Development
in state government within the Department of Forestry and Fire Protection to
study, test, and advise regarding procurement of emerging technologies and
tools in order to more effectively prevent and suppress wildfires within the
state. For those purposes, existing law requires the office to, among other
things, develop a balanced, multimodal research and development program
designed to identify, research, test, and evaluate emerging technologies and
tools designed to improve the state’s preparation for, and response to,
wildfires in the state, as specified. This bill would delete the January 1, 2029,
sunset date described above.
(Wiener D)
Budget Acts of 2022 and 2023.
Current Text: Amended: 4/8/2024 html pdf
Introduced: 1/18/2023
Last Amend: 4/8/2024
Status: 4/15/2024-Re-referred to Com. on BUDGET.
Location: 4/15/2024-A. BUDGET
Summary: The Budget Act of 2022 and the
Budget Act of 2023 made appropriations for the support of state government
for the 2022–23 and 2023–24 fiscal years. This bill would amend the Budget
Act of 2022 and the Budget Act of 2023 by amending, adding, and repealing items
of appropriation and making other changes. This bill would declare that it is
to take effect immediately as a Budget Bill.
(Wiener D)
Budget Act of 2024.
Current Text: Amended: 6/10/2024 html pdf
Introduced: 1/18/2023
Last Amend: 6/10/2024
Status: 7/3/2024-Re-referred to Com. on BUDGET
pursuant to Assembly Rule 97.
Location: 7/3/2024-A. BUDGET
Summary: This bill would make
appropriations for the support of state government for the 2024–25 fiscal
year.This bill would declare that it is to take effect immediately as a
Budget Bill.
(Committee on Budget and Fiscal Review) Employment.
Current Text: Amended: 6/26/2023 html pdf
Introduced: 1/18/2023
Last Amend: 6/26/2023
Status: 6/29/2023-Re-referred to Com. on BUDGET.
Location: 6/29/2023-A. BUDGET
Summary: Existing law, the State Civil
Service Act, regulates employment with the state and vests in the Department
of Human Resources all powers, duties, and authorities necessary to operate
the state civil service system in accordance with Article VII of the California
Constitution, the Government Code, the merit principle, and applicable rules
duly adopted by the State Personnel Board. Existing law requires, except as
specified, that the Controller establish and maintain a payroll of all
persons employed by every state agency. Existing law requires, unless
otherwise provided by law, that the salaries of state officers be paid
monthly out of the General Fund. This bill, instead, would require the
salaries of state officers and employees to be paid out of the General Fund,
or another recognized state fund which a respective employee’s position is
funded, on a uniform payroll cycle established by the department.
(Committee on Budget and Fiscal Review) Employment.
Current Text: Amended: 6/22/2024 html pdf
Introduced: 1/18/2023
Last Amend: 6/22/2024
Status: 7/1/2024-Re-referred to Com. on BUDGET
pursuant to Assembly Rule 97.
Location: 7/1/2024-A. BUDGET
Summary: Existing law, the State Civil
Service Act, regulates employment with the state and vests in the Department
of Human Resources all powers, duties, and authorities necessary to operate
the state civil service system in accordance with Article VII of the California
Constitution, the Government Code, the merit principle, and applicable rules
duly adopted by the State Personnel Board. Former law required that, unless
otherwise provided by law, the salaries of state officers be paid monthly out
of the General Fund. Existing law, operative July 10, 2023, requires the
salaries of state officers and employees to be paid out of the General Fund,
or another recognized state fund that funds a respective employee’s position,
on a uniform payroll cycle established by the department. Various provisions
of existing law, relating to conflicts with memorandums of understanding, pay
and benefits provisions relating to military service, travel reimbursement
claims, salary classification, workweek groups, sick leave, nonindustrial
disability leave, and layoffs, are inconsistent with the implementation of a
uniform payroll cycle that is not monthly. This bill would revise those
various provisions to accommodate the implementation of a uniform payroll
cycle that is not monthly. This bill would declare that it is to take effect
immediately as a bill providing for appropriations related to the Budget
(Dodd D)
Generative Artificial Intelligence Accountability Act.
Current Text: Amended: 7/3/2024 html pdf
Introduced: 1/3/2024
Last Amend: 7/3/2024
Status: 8/7/2024-August 7 set for first hearing.
Placed on suspense file.
Location: 8/7/2024-A. APPR. SUSPENSE
Calendar: 8/15/2024 Upon
adjournment of Session - 1021 O Street, Room 1100
Summary: Existing law requires the
Secretary of Government Operations to develop a coordinated plan to, among
other things, investigate the feasibility of, and obstacles to, developing
standards and technologies for state departments to determine digital content
provenance. For the purpose of informing that coordinated plan, existing law
requires the secretary to evaluate, among other things, the impact of the
proliferation of deepfakes, defined to mean audio or visual content that has
been generated or manipulated by artificial intelligence that would falsely
appear to be authentic or truthful and that features depictions of people
appearing to say or do things they did not say or do without their consent,
on state government, California-based businesses, and residents of the state.
This bill, the Generative Artificial Intelligence Accountability Act, would,
among other things, require the Government Operations Agency, the Department
of Technology, the Office of Data and Innovation, and the California Privacy
Protection Agency to produce a State of California Benefits and Risk of
Generative Artificial Intelligence Report that includes certain items,
including an examination of the most significant, potentially beneficial uses
for deployment of generative artificial intelligence tools by the state, and
would require those entities to update the report, as prescribed. The bill
would require the Office of Emergency Services, the California Cybersecurity
Integration Center, and the State Threat Assessment Center every 2 years to
perform a joint risk analysis of potential threats posed by the use of
generative artificial intelligence to California’s critical energy
infrastructure, including those that could lead to mass casualty events and
environmental emergencies. This bill contains other related provisions.
(Skinner D)
Budget Act of 2024.
Current Text: Introduced: 1/10/2024 html pdf
Introduced: 1/10/2024
Status: 1/10/2024-Introduced. Read first time.
Referred to Com. on B. & F.R. To print.
Location: 1/10/2024-S. BUDGET &
Summary: This bill would make
appropriations for the support of state government for the 2024–25 fiscal
year. This bill contains other related provisions.
(Padilla D)
State civil service: temporary assignments or loans.
Current Text: Amended: 6/20/2024 html pdf
Introduced: 2/12/2024
Last Amend: 6/20/2024
Status: 8/7/2024-August 7 set for first hearing.
Placed on suspense file.
Location: 8/7/2024-A. APPR. SUSPENSE
Calendar: 8/15/2024 Upon
adjournment of Session - 1021 O Street, Room 1100
Summary: Existing law, the State Civil
Service Act, authorizes the State Personnel Board to prescribe rules
governing the temporary assignment or loan of employees within an agency or
between agencies, or between jurisdictions, for purposes that include
enabling an agency to obtain expertise needed to meet a compelling program or
management need. For the purpose of these provisions, public and private
colleges and universities are considered educational agencies or
jurisdictions. Existing law requires a temporary assignment or loan between
educational agencies or jurisdictions to be extended for up to 2 additional
years upon a finding by the Superintendent of Public Instruction or the
Chancellor of the California Community Colleges, and with the approval of the
executive officer of the State Personnel Board, that the extension is
necessary, as specified. This bill would revise the above-described provision
to specify that it applies to a temporary assignment or loan between 2
educational agencies or jurisdictions. This bill would also require
institutions of higher education, as defined, to be considered jurisdictions
for the purposes of temporarily assigning or loaning employees to a
government agency or temporarily receiving employees of a government agency.
The bill would limit the period of an assignment or loan of employees under
this provision to 2 years, subject to an additional 2-year extension, and
would require the employee temporarily assigned or loaned to complete and
file an ethics form with the State Personnel Board and the receiving agency,
as specified. The bill would impose various limitations on the temporary
assignment or loan of an employee, including, among other things, prohibiting
an agency that receives an employee from an institution of higher education
from authorizing that employee to control a civil service employee or their
duties, position, or classification, as specified. The bill would require the
State Personnel Board to develop uniform terms for temporary assignment or
loan in consultation with the exclusive representative of employees. The bill
would require a state agency that participates in a temporary assignment or
loan with an institution of higher education to report specified information
to the Department of Human Resources and would require the department to make
that information publicly available on its internet website, as specified.
This bill contains other related provisions.
(Becker D)
Health care coverage: utilization review.
Current Text: Amended: 7/8/2024 html pdf
Introduced: 2/13/2024
Last Amend: 7/8/2024
Status: 8/7/2024-August 7 set for first hearing.
Placed on suspense file.
Location: 8/7/2024-A. APPR. SUSPENSE
Calendar: 8/15/2024 Upon
adjournment of Session - 1021 O Street, Room 1100 ASSEMBLY APPROPRIATIONS
Summary: Existing law, the Knox-Keene
Health Care Service Plan Act of 1975, provides for the licensure and
regulation of health care service plans by the Department of Managed Health
Care, and makes a willful violation of the act a crime. Existing law provides
for the regulation of disability insurers by the Department of Insurance.
Existing law generally authorizes a health care service plan or disability
insurer to use prior authorization and other utilization review or
utilization management functions, under which a licensed physician or a
licensed health care professional who is competent to evaluate specific
clinical issues may approve, modify, delay, or deny requests for health care
services based on medical necessity. Existing law requires a health care
service plan or disability insurer, including those plans or insurers that
delegate utilization review or utilization management functions to medical
groups, independent practice associations, or to other contracting providers,
to comply with specified requirements and limitations on their utilization
review or utilization management functions. Existing law authorizes the
Director of the Department of Managed Health Care or the Insurance
Commissioner to assess an administrative penalty to a health care service
plan or disability insurer, as applicable, for failure to comply with those
requirements. This bill would require a health care service plan or
disability insurer, including a specialized health care service plan or
specialized health insurer, that uses an artificial intelligence, algorithm,
or other software tool for the purpose of utilization review or utilization
management functions, or that contracts with or otherwise works through an
entity that uses that type of tool, to ensure compliance with specified
requirements, including that the tool bases its determination on specified
information and is fairly and equitably applied. Because a willful violation
of these provisions by a health care service plan would be a crime, this bill
would impose a state-mandated local program. This bill contains other related
provisions and other existing laws.
(Alvarado-Gil D)
Public Employees’ Retirement System: contracting agencies:
Current Text: Amended: 5/8/2024 html pdf
Introduced: 2/15/2024
Last Amend: 5/8/2024
Status: 8/8/2024-Read second time. Ordered to
consent calendar.
Location: 8/7/2024-A. CONSENT
Calendar: 8/12/2024 #137
Summary: Existing law, the Public
Employees’ Retirement Law (PERL), establishes the Public Employees’
Retirement System (PERS), which provides a defined benefit to members of the
system based on final compensation, credited service, and age at retirement, subject
to certain variations. PERL authorizes any public agency to make its
employees members of PERS by contract. Under existing law, when a contracting
agency is succeeded by another agency, the successor agency may become a
contracting agency of PERS. Existing law provides that if the successor
agency contracts with PERS, the contract of the former agency shall merge
with the contract of the succeeding agency. Existing law authorizes specified
successor agencies to provide employees the defined benefit plan or formula
that those employees received from their respective contracting agency
employer prior to the consolidation. This bill would authorize a successor
agency for the El Dorado County Fire Protection District and the Diamond
Springs-El Dorado Fire Protection District to provide employees the defined
benefit plan or formula that those employees received from their respective
employer prior to the annexation. This bill contains other related
(Dodd D)
Public Employees’ Retirement Law: reinstatement: County of Solano.
Current Text: Amended: 6/20/2024 html pdf
Introduced: 2/16/2024
Last Amend: 6/20/2024
Status: 8/8/2024-Read second time. Ordered to third
Location: 8/8/2024-A. THIRD READING
Calendar: 8/12/2024 #109
Summary: The Public Employees’
Retirement Law creates the Public Employees’ Retirement System (PERS), which
provides pension and other benefits to members of the system and prescribes
limitations on the service that retired members may perform, without the
member reinstating in the system, for employers that participate in the
system. The California Public Employees’ Pension Reform Act of 2013 (PEPRA)
also prescribes limitations on the activities of retired members of these
retirement systems, which supersede the provisions of PERS with which they
conflict. Under both PERS and PEPRA, a retired member is generally subject to
a limit of 960 hours of employment within a calendar or fiscal year,
depending on the administrator of the system, for specified employers without
reinstating in the system. This bill would create an exception from the
above-described limit for hours worked by a retired person in an appointment
by the Solano County Sheriff’s Office to perform a function or functions
regularly performed by a deputy sheriff, evidence technician, or
communications operator, subject to meeting certain requirements. The bill
would limit the number of appointments made under these provisions to 20. The
bill would repeal these provisions on January 1, 2027. This bill contains
other related provisions.