ACSS Elections Process

What is the ACSS Elections Cycle?
ACSS Elections occur every three years. During this cycle, Chapter office positions are filled for the eleven ACSS Chapters through an election process. Delegates are also elected to represent the Chapters during Delegate Assembly. The process begins with a nominations period, followed by an electronic voting period, and ends with Delegate Assembly. The new Chapter Officers elected will be sworn in during Delegate Assembly and serve a three year term. Delegate Assembly is also an important event where Chapter Officers, Delegates and Board Members discuss Association business. 

Each Chapter forms a Nominations Committee. This Committee oversees the nominations process for their Chapter. Anyone can nominate themselves to run for a position or, you can nominate someone else. Open Nominations occur between December 1, 2023 and January 31, 2024. Chapters will conduct Open Nominations meetings during this time. A candidate is not required to attend the Chapter's Open Nominations meeting to nominate. A member can nominate themself via the ACSS website by filling out official the Nominations Form. All nominations must be submitted by January 31, 2024. The Nominations Committee will review the nominated candidates. Once candidates have been approved, candidates must complete a 200-word profile and submit a photo to ACSS by March 25, 2024. 

Electronic voting occurs between April 20, 2024 and May 20, 2024. ACSS members will be mailed (to their home address) detailed instructions on how to vote securely online. On June 1, 2024, ACSS will release results of the election and notify candidates. 

Delegate Assembly
Delegate Assembly is a three-day event. First, the Committees Meet. Then, at Delegate Assembly, Chapter Officers and Delegates discuss Bylaws, Policy File changes and other Association business. They will also vote in the next term of ACSS Board Members. On the last day of the event, a Board Meeting is held. At this meeting, the newly elected Board Members will elect and vote in the next term of Executive Officers. These Executive Officers consist of the ACSS President, ACSS Vice President, ACSS Secretary/Treasurer, VP of Membership Development and VP of Legislative Affairs. 

It is this entire election process and Delegate Assembly that truly showcases how Excluded Employees embody the Association of California State Supervisors. This is an association founded by and run by members.  It is YOU who shapes this organization. The elections process and Delegate Assembly is how ACSS supports and stands up for the rights of every excluded state employee.