Q1: Who is ACSS?
The Association of California State Supervisors (ACSS) is not a union but a professional association representing California’s excluded employees. ACSS is the largest and most experienced organization fighting for California’s state supervisors, managers, and confidential employees for better compensation and career opportunities.
ACSS' key benefits are:
- Direct Representation for any job related challenges (i.e. rejection on probation, adverse action, skelly hearings, investigations, grievances, etc.)
- Statewide political program for improved networking through the legislative process.
- The leaders of ACSS are excluded employees, just like you, who are stakeholders in the success of ACSS.
- Monetary Benefits - Discounts on electronics, theme park tickets, sporting events, rental cars, computers, phones, group insurance, assistance services, home loans and so much more.
ACSS is:
- Your source for news.
- Labor Representation (How we help you)
- Political Program (What we fight for)
- Member Benefits
- Join Now! See what other people are saying about ACSS membership.
Q2: What is your political platform?
ACSS maintains an active political program dedicated to improving the career and compensation for excluded employees. Just like rank and file employees, excluded employees (i.e. supervisors, managers, and confidential employees) have the right to a unified voice in the Capitol. The key to our success is that our political program is led by state excluded employees just like you. ACSS representatives will sit down face-to-face with elected officials and educate them on how their decisions affect our members specifically. That’s why we’ve led the fight for your rights for decades.
ACSS is leading the fight for:
- Better pay
- Better pensions
- Fewer hiring freezes
- Fewer furloughs
- And much more!
We have only one goal: protecting and supporting you, our members.
- We sponsor and support legislation to improve your pay, benefits, pension and working conditions.
- We oppose legislation that would adversely impact you, your career and your family.
- We work to elect employee-friendly policy-makers who understand and value the important job you do -- and we have a highly successful win rate.
Visit our Political Program to learn more about Endorsed Candidates, the PAC and Legislation.
Q3: How can ACSS help me at my job?
ACSS maintains California's largest full-time staff of professional legal and labor experts dedicated to helping you through any career challenges. Just like rank and file employees, excluded employees have the right to representation. Membership is voluntary. ACSS does not represent non-members so don’t wait till it’s too late!
Once you join ACSS, you will have crucial protection on the job.
ACSS’ representation program helps with:
- Rejection on probation
- Negative performance evaluations
- Adverse actions
- EEO investigations
- Out-of-class grievances
- And much more!
Visit our Representation section or Contact a Labor Relations Representative in your area.
Q4: Who can join ACSS?
Any state employee considered an excluded employee can join ACSS. That includes:
- Supervisors
- Managers
- Confidential
- Civil Service Exempt
Q5: How much does it cost?
ACSS membership dues max out at $36/month. Dues are deducted from your paycheck. Dues are based on a sliding scale depending on your salary. Use our online dues calculator to calculate your ACSS dues.
Q6: I just became promoted as a manager/supervisor and I am on probation. Can I join?
Yes! If you have just been promoted to an excluded position such as a manager, supervisor or confidential employee, you can join ACSS today!
Q7: What do I get with joining (membership)?
- Representation - We stand up for you and help you with grievances, negative performance evaluations, rejection on probation, and other career-related issues
- Political Action - We sponsor and support legislation to improve your pay, benefits, pension, and working conditions
- News - Your source for career-related news that matters to managers, supervisors, and excluded state employees
- Benefits - Discounts on theme park tickets, sporting events, gift certificates, insurance, electronics, travel, and more!
Q8: How long has ACSS been around?
In the mid-1980's, ACSS was once the Supervisor's Division of CSEA (California State Employees Association).
In 1990, the Supervisor's Division separated from CSEA and incorporated on its own to become a CSEA Affiliate.
The ACSS-sponsored Bill of Rights for State Excluded Employees passed in 1990, and was amended in 2004.
Q9: Is ACSS a union?
ACSS is not a union. ACSS is a non profit employee advocacy organization.
Q10: How many members does ACSS have?
As of January 2022, ACSS had over 11,000 members, and growing every day!
Q11: What if I join and do not like it? Can I cancel anytime?
Yes, membership is voluntary and you can cancel at any time.
Q12: What if I do not want to join just yet? Can I decide later?
Yes, you can decide later, but we suggest you join as soon as you can but don't wait until you have a problem to join ACSS. Late-joiners (those who do not join until after the incident) cannot receive representation.
Q13: What is CSEA and how is ACSS related?
CSEA (California State Employees Association) is the central support of ACSS. ACSS is an affiliate of CSEA. CSEA provides Member Benefits, accounting, payroll, human resources, and IT services to ACSS. For more information on the Member Benefits available to ACSS members, visit the CSEA Member Benefits homepage.

Q14: How do I pay the dues?
Dues are taken directly as a paycheck deduction from your monthly pay warrant as a miscellaneous deduction. ACSS has a monthly maximum dues amount of $36/month (base monthly salary of $4,500), but dues are calculated based on your salary. To find out what YOUR dues would be, use our dues calculator tool.
Q15: Can I join if I am already a member of another similar organization?
Yes! You may belong to more than one excluded employee organization.