2024 Election Results - Chapter 503


Chapter President-Elect

  • James Teahan,* Governor’s Office of Business and Economic Development – Staff Services Manager III

Vice President-Elect


  • Ben Shelton, Department of Transportation – Supervising Management Auditor


Delegates: (24 Delegates + 2 Alternates needed. The following Delegates and Alternates are required to attend Delegate Assembly. Delegates and Alternates are ranked by highest number of votes.)


Delegate 1 - Shawanna Kennedy, Department of Fish & Wildlife – Staff Services Manager I

Delegate 2 - Christina Shupe, State Water Resources Control Board – C.E.A.

Delegate 3 - Elena Gonzalez-SotoDepartment of Justice - Supervising Program Technician III

Delegate 4 - Daphne Lee, Department Toxic Substances Control – Assistant Chief Counsel

Delegate 5 - Alexis CooperDepartment of General Services – Labor Relations Specialist

Delegate 6 - Ben Shelton, Department of Transportation – Supervising Management Auditor

Delegate 7 - James Teahan, Governor’s Office of Business and Economic Development – Staff Services Manager III

Delegate 8 - Chelsea Kuo, Department of Motor Vehicles – Manager IV Department of Motor Vehicles

Delegate 9 - Michael PeavyDepartment of General Services – Office Building Manager III

Delegate 10 - Dawn Basciano, California Department of Public Health – Staff Services Manager I

Delegate 11 - Veronica Landin-Ortiz, Legislative Counsel Bureau – Information Technology Specialist I

Delegate 12 - Kevin SaboCalifornia Privacy & Protection Agency – Staff Services Manager I

Delegate 13 - Tiffany CannonCalifornia Department of Public Health – Program Manager I, OES

Delegate 14 - Geqigula DlaminiDepartment of Education – Education Administrator I

Delegate 15 - Millicent Barajas-Waters, Department Toxic Substances Control – Information Technology Manager II

Delegate 16 - Zachary SouzaOffice of Technology and Solutions Integration – Information Technology Supervisor II

Delegate 17 - Timothy Skillman, Public Employees Retirement System – Staff Services Manager III

Delegate 18 - Michael Bonner, Public Utilities Commission – Information Technology Manager I

Delegate 19 - Alonso Ayala, Department of Corrections & Rehab – Staff Services Manager I

Delegate 20 - Janice Nishimoto, Department of Corrections & Rehab – Staff Services Manager II

Delegate 21 - Amal Kattan-HandalPublic Utilities Commission – Senior Management Auditor

Delegate 22 - Dawn Malone-StevensDepartment of Corrections & Rehab – Staff Services Manager I

Delegate 23 - James ZoesCalifornia Department of Tax and Fee Administration – Supervising Tax Auditor II, BOE

Delegate 24 - Jose DiazDepartment of Corrections & Rehab – Staff Services Manager I

Alternate 1 - Ralph DiLibero, Department of Health Care Service – Medical Program Consultant

Alternate 2 - Anh Dang, Employment Development Department – Employment Program Manager II


Alternates: (The following Alternates are NOT required to attend Delegate Assembly, unless there is a cancellation/vacancy from the list of Delegates and Alternates above.)


Alternate 3 - Richard Tribble, Department of Justice – Supervising Program Technician III

Alternate 4 - Zaid RidhaGovernors Office – Senior Assistant to the Governor, Office of Planning and Research

Alternate 5 - Cheryl Tucker, Employment Development Department – Disability Insurance Program Manager I

Alternate 6 - Veronica Lorta, Department of Social Services – Staff Services Manager II (Supervisory)

Alternate 7 - Maisha DotteryDepartment of Community Services & Diversity – Information Technology Manager II

Alternate 8 - Enrique Ramirez, Department of Health Care Services – Staff Services Manager I

Alternate 9 - Bhavna Dadlani, California Department of Technology – Information Technology Supervisor II

Alternate 10 - Andrea Ahumada, Franchise Tax Board – Administrator I Franchise Tax Board

Alternate 11 - Quinton Snoddy McAlpine, Employment Development Department – Information Technology Manager I

Alternate 12 - Johnny TateCalifornia Prison Industry Authority – Custodian Supervisor I

Alternate 13 - Willis Pearson, State Compensation Insurance Fund – Information Technology Supervisor II

Alternate 14 - Terilyn Cobb, Employment Development Department – Research Data Supervisor I

Alternate 15 - Benjamin Bodea, Department of Consumer Affairs – Executive Officer, Acupuncture Board

Alternate 16 - Jonathan MurryDepartment of General Services – Custodian Supervisor II

Alternate 17 - Lahoma Edwards, Department of Motor Vehicles – Manager III

Alternate 18 - Tolifer Denise Lewis, Department of Housing & Community Development – Staff Services Manager I


* Uncontested, elected by acclamation



Candidate Statements

(200-words or less)

Alonso Ayala

Statement for Delegate
Hello fellow ACSS peers! My name is Alonso Ayala and I am submitting my name to be a Delegate for Chapter 503. I have worked for the State of California for over eight years, two years as an ACSS member. After reading the benefits of getting involved, I felt compelled to submit my name for nomination consideration. Before State service, I worked in the private sector for over 20 years, never with representation. Having an advocate on your side is invaluable. I am also a California State University, Sacramento alumni, earning my Bachelor of Arts in Sociology, with a concentration in Crime and Deviance. I look forward to working with ACSS Chapter leaders, as well as lending my voice for the betterment of my fellow excluded employees. Thank you for your time and consideration.

Millicent "Millie" Barajas-Waters

Statement for Delegate
As a delegate nominee, I would like the opportunity to continue representing the interests of Chapter 503 members, to adopt a sensible budget, support the Political Action Committee, and execute the goals of the strategic plan. As a public servant in California for 23 years and 11 years in a supervisory and leadership role I possess the skills and abilities necessary to be an effective and enthusiastic Delegate. I look forward to meeting you and continuing to serve the interests of Chapter 503 members.

Dawn Basciano

Statement for Delegate
Hello I am a Delegate for local Chapter 503 and am hopeful I can continue to represent the best interest of our members. I have 25 years of supervisory and lead project management experience working for the State of California; I enjoy seeing great ideas come to fruition. I am family oriented and my approach in life is viewing everything through human centered lenses. I spend much of my spare time in social equity spaces, such as on Sacramento City’s Equity Council, the CoC Executive Board, and on Sacramento Native Health Center’s Native Health Advisory Board. Each of these organization work toward bringing fair access for all, regardless of circumstance, to affordable housing, educational resources, employment, medical services, and treatment. Moving forward I want to bring what I have learned from my volunteering experience to ACSS. Helping move the needle by being a voice, soliciting legislative changes that ensure equity throughout state services, programming, process and employment for excluded and exempt employees, specifically. Our wages should represent the skills and knowledge we bring, yet often does not. We also want more health care choices, and broadened representation.

Michael Bonner

Statement for Delegate
I have been an active member of ACSS since I promoted to supervisor in 2016. During that time, I have served as a board member for Chapters 505 (Bay Area) and 503 (Sacramento). I currently was elected by the ACSS Board of Directors to serve as the Statewide Executive Vice President. I also previously was elected and served for two terms as the Statewide Vice President of Membership. Previously to promoting to manager, I was on the Local 1000 Unit 1 Bargaining team for five years.
I’ve actively organized chapter and worksite meetings, participated in every lobby day held since I’ve been a member, and as an ACSS Board Member and Statewide Officer have participated in meetings with the Governor, Legislators, and CalHR including representing excluded members in the CalHR IT reclassification effort. During my latest term as Executive Vice President, I helped successfully organize the update ACSS’s Strategic Plan. I look forward to continuing to help ACSS improve as an organization and provide better service to our members. I request your support to continue my service to you and to ACSS as a Delegate and Board Member for Chapter 503.

Tiffany Cannon

Statement for Delegate
Hello Association of California State Supervisors (ACSS) members. I am excited to announce my candidacy as a Union Delegate in this year’s election. I currently serve the State of California as a Program Manager in Emergency Response within the California Department of Public Health. As a University of San Francisco graduate with a Master of Public Health and certification in Climate Change and Human Health from Yale University, I come to the ACSS, chapter 503, with a fresh outlook and a passion for advocacy. As an excluded employee, I experience firsthand the challenges that we face every day and know that we need a strong voice. Having been deployed out in leadership positions throughout my career, responding to life-changing state disasters, it was necessary to find ways of unifying others to achieve successful outcomes. I am committed to my vision of equity and building a strong workforce for our diverse communities. This is achieved by actively representing you at the Delegate Assembly and ensuring your interests are advocated for. As our state continues to face hardships, our workplace should not. Allow me to be your voice. I thank you for your consideration.

Alexis Cooper

Statement for Delegate
My name is Alexis Cooper and I work for the State of California with the Department of General Services for 15 years. As a professional leader, it is important to have effective communication and share information with members to produce positive outcomes. I know it is important to build positive relationships and a team to be efficient. I believe I can be the best Delegate for ACSS Chapter 503, because of my strong leadership skills as I have trained, mentored, and developed working teams with strategic and innovative concepts. I have a wide range of experience and knowledge in providing member services. I am extremely committed to the philosophy that our state’s employees are truly our most valuable assets. I am looking forward to working with the other chapters and learning more about ACSS.

Anh Dang

Statement for Delegate
My name is Anh Dang. I have been a supervisor for a few years with the state. I am running to be a delegate for ACSS. If I am selected as a delegate, my mission and vision is to learn as much as possible and to help ACSS achieve the goals that we set up for our team. I hope that I can get your vote and looking forward to working with each one of you if I get selected as a delegate. Thank you.

Jose Diaz

Statement for Delegate
I know I would be a great candidate for delegate as I have always had a passion for helping others. In my many years as a police officer, I worked endlessly in helping the public and my fellow officers. I served as a union steward and helped negotiate in bargaining contracts. My passion for helping others has carried itself in my current role in as a human resources manager in return to work. I take the time to train, instruct, and develop ways of teaching my staff the tools they need to be successful in their work and providing great service to all customers seeking assistance and guidance. I will work hard to provide the same excellence in professionalism and service as a delegate in the Association of California State Supervisors.

Ralph DiLibero

Statement for Delegate, Vice President
I am well versed in planning methodologies and budgetary constraints, as well as the true importance of listening in earnest to all ACSS member concerns and ideas. I am looking forward to continuing my harmonious relationship with other board members in a concerted effort to make ACSS a prominent legislative concern in the years ahead as California now faces a $68 Billion deficit. And yes, I do remember the past furloughed belt-tightening that took place when California faced a $10 Billion deficit.  I humbly consider it a privilege and honor to serve you.

Geqigula Dlamini

Statement for Delegate
Greetings, ACSS Chapter 503!
I am incredibly honored to be able to seek your vote to become your delegate. I have seen and experienced firsthand state supervisors' transformative impact on organizations, teams, customers, and the state of California. We dedicate ourselves because we care enormously about the work we do. We are the pacemakers, ensuring the heart of state service beats strong, effective, and consistent. We deserve fair compensation and benefits that reflect our contributions because we have earned them.
I'm motivated to serve Chapter 503 as a delegate because I deeply believe in our members' positive impact on California. I have been inspired by my fellow members, whom I've interacted with since joining, and I would be honored to represent you. Selecting the Board of Directors and considering any changes to the bylaws is a tremendous responsibility because they set the strategy to ensure ACSS effectively advocates for and represents California state supervisors, managers, and other excluded employees.
We are facing exciting and critical new challenges, from remote work to artificial intelligence, but together, our powerful collective voice can be an unstoppable force for advocacy and results.
Thank you for your time and consideration.

Maisha Dottery

Statement for Delegate and Vice President
Vote for me, the catalyst for change! As VP of ACSS, I'll elevate leadership standards, empower supervisors, and enhance the state workforce. Together, let's make a lasting impact by becoming the change we want to see!#ChangeMaker #ChangeChampion

Elena Gonzalez-Soto

Statement for Delegate
Fellow union members, I am excited to announce my candidacy for union delegate. As an excluded employee myself, I understand the challenges and marginalization that many of us face. I believe in the power of collective bargaining and will work closely with our leadership to negotiate fair contracts and improve working conditions. I will also hold leadership accountable to the membership, ensuring transparency and accountability in our union's decision-making processes. I will work to ensure that our union contract addresses the unique needs and concerns of excluded employees, including fair compensation, job security, and opportunities for advancement. I will listen to and represent the diverse perspectives of our membership.I ask for your vote because I believe that together, we can build a more just and equitable workplace for all workers, including those who have been historically excluded.

Statement for Vice President
Fellow excluded employees, I am honored to come before you today as a candidate for chapter vice president. As a member of the excluded employee community, I have experienced firsthand the systemic barriers and biases that have historically marginalized our voices and opportunities. I have also experienced excluded employees that are not willing to be marginalized and fight for what is equitable. Together, we can break down the walls that held us back.
I understand how critical this leadership role is. My priorities include:
• Enhancing communication and transparency between members, leadership, and staff.
• Listening and amplifying the voices of excluded employees.
• Supporting and empowering our delegates and other member leaders.
• Advocating for professional development and career advancement opportunities.
• Ensuring accountability and responsiveness from our union leadership and staff.
I am committed to building a stronger, more inclusive union that fights for the needs and interests of excluded employees. I will work tirelessly to ensure that every member has a voice and is treated with dignity and respect. I ask humbly ask for your vote and look forward to serving as your chapter vice president.

Amal Kattan-Handal

Statement for Delegate
I have been an active member of ACSS since 2014. I represented ACSS Chapter as a delegate in 2018 and 2021. I have been a board member for Chapter 503 since 2022. Also, I served as Chapter 503 membership coordinator and participated in lobby day representing ACSS members. Personally, I served as treasurer for the school association for several years. I gained leadership skills that will make me a good candidate. If elected, I will proactively continue to advocate and work hard on behalf of ACSS members to protect our benefits and pension. I believe I can continue helping with the chapter growth. I ask for your continued support for ACSS Board Chapter 503 position, and I look forward to representing you all in ACSS matters specifically during the upcoming challenges with the State deficit. I would be honored to receive your vote for 503 Board Member.

Shawanna Kennedy

Statement for Delegate
I have been a state employee for thirty-two years within nine state agencies and have acquired diversified work experience as a rank-and-file, confidential, and supervisory employee. As a state employee I am very knowledgeable of state and federal laws, labor laws, government codes, and regulations that impact excluded civil service employees while performing the scope of their roles and responsibilities.
The Association of California State Supervisors (ACSS) is a progressive organization that is committed to fair and equitable representation, improving careers, compensation, and doing what's best in the interest of excluded employees.
The ACSS is an organization that aligns with my personal goals and values as a state employee. I care for the members within ACSS, am passionate about empowering others, take initiative, and will do what's necessary to inspire and invoke change for the good of excluded employees.
I am fair, firm, and consistent, demonstrate strong work ethics, leadership abilities, welcome networking opportunities, and collaboration with fellow excluded employees, and will strive to make positive changes that are beneficial to excluded employees in the workplace.
For these reasons, I would like to be considered to serve as an elected ACSS Chapter 503 Delegate.

Chelsea Kuo

Statement for Delegate
My name is Chelsea Ming Kuo and I am currently a Manager IV at the Department of Motor Vehicles in the Commercial Licensing Policy section of the Policy Division. I manage a staff of five team members. In addition, I have non profit experience, most recently as president of a 501(c)(3) childcare center, The Doris Alexis Early Learning Center (formerly known as DMV Child Care Center). I have been part of the executive board of directors since I joined in 2015 until its dissolution in 2021. During my term, I have fulfilled all executive positions including secretary, treasurer, vice president, and finally president.
I would be an asset to the Association of California State Supervisors as a Delegate having past experience in a similar role and responsibilities with attending important meetings, speaking up in discussions needing input and/or decision making, voting, electing board members, monitoring a budget, and an overall active member. I am also a mentor at my agency and this is my second year mentoring non-supervisory employees to grow and develop their knowledge, skills, and abilities with future leadership potential and interest.
I am a viable candidate with my experiences in the following: leadership, non profit, and mentorship.

Statement for Secretary/Treasurer
My name is Chelsea Ming Kuo and I am currently a Manager IV at the Department of Motor Vehicles in the Commercial Licensing Policy section of the Policy Division. I manage a staff of five team members. In addition, I have non profit experience, most recently as president of a 501(c)(3) childcare center, The Doris Alexis Early Learning Center (formerly known as DMV Child Care Center). I have been part of the executive board of directors since I joined in 2015 until its dissolution in 2021. During my term, I have fulfilled all executive positions including secretary, treasurer, vice president, and finally president.
I would be an asset to the Association of California State Supervisors as a Secretary/Treasurer having past experience in a similar role and responsibilities with meeting minutes tracking and record keeper of pertinent documents. I am also a mentor at my agency and this is my second year mentoring non-supervisory employees to grow and develop their knowledge, skills, and abilities with future leadership potential and interest. I am a viable candidate with my experiences in the following: leadership, nonprofit, and mentorship.
I am a person who possesses the skills of organization, commitment, and detail-oriented.

Veronica Landin-Ortiz

Statement for Delegate
I have worked for the Office of Legislative Counsel for the last 27 years as an excluded/exempt employee as an Informational Technology Specialist. Throughout my career, I have been promoted at a slow pace, not often thinking of the ‘why’ I was passed over on a different promotions or opportunities —in my mind, that was the way it is. But it is not, and that is one of the reasons that it was only last year that I joined this organization who fights for better compensation and career opportunities. Now that I have joined, I would like to do my part in spreading the news and letting other employees like me who might be going through career challenges on how they can get help by being members of ACSS. I feel I can bring a new perspective and serve as inspiration to others as it has inspired me. I graduated from Sacramento State with a degree in Government and received an IT certificate from UC Davis in 1999. I have been married to my husband Angel for 23 years and we have two sons, ages 21 and 18 respectively. We live in the City of Elk Grove.

Daphne Lee

Statement for Delegate
I have worked for the State for nearly 24 years. I was promoted into Assistant Chief Counsel position in 2022 at the Department of Toxic Substances Control. As rank and file, I served as a local representative for 15 years at four different departments and served as a Board Member for CASE in 2022 and part of the bargaining team, until I accepted the supervisory position. Most of theAttorney Supervisors and Assistant Chief Counsels are unfamiliar with ACSS. My delegate role will help to promote ACSS and increase interest and membership, especially now, when CASE is actively recruiting Attorney Supervisors and Assistant Chief Counsels to increase their membership. My involvement can also serve to provide a legal understanding, when needed, while serving the members of ACSS. I look forward to representing the membership and providing further voice to all State Supervisors. Thank you for your consideration. .

Dawn Malone-Stevens

Statement for Delegate
Hello! My name is Dawn Malone-Stevens. I have two independent daughters in their 20's. I was married for 18 years, but am divorced and loving it because I have time and flexibility to enjoy life. I like cooking, traveling, spending quality time with family and friends, and reading. I have almost 17 years of State service. I started as a Seasonal Clerk at the Franchise Tax Board, then accepted a full-time position as an Office Technician with the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (CDCR). I left CDCR to join California Correctional Health Care Services in 2008 where I continued my career and promoted to Associate Governmental Program Analyst and recently promoted to Staff Services Manager I (SSM I) in September 2023. I manage a diverse group of people and enjoy my work. As a new SSM I, I actively listen, ask questions to understand, and continue to learn. I believe each person should be heard, without judgement, and open and honest communication is key to healthy relationships and change, which is unavoidable and not always negative. As a Delegate, I promise to ask questions to understand, communicate, and represent us to the best of my ability. Thanks!

Janice Nishimoto

Statement for Delegate
To serve in the role of delegate would be an honor. I will serve in the best interests of ACSS. For the past three years, I have served as your board member for Chapter 503, and I have seen many successes.
I would like to continue striving to make ACSS the best it has ever been by leveraging the diverse strength of our association!

Statement for Chapter Vice President
I am a proud to be a member of ACSS. Why? I value the members. ACSS is strong because we have the best leaders representing the State of California. When I joined ACSS, I became fully involved and embraced the journey by supporting ACSS’s mission and vision, attending meetings, and by encouraging others to join.
Currently, I am a board member. I am honored to have represented the membership. You were represented in every vote I made! You were heard! Every word, every vote, and every decision were made in full stewardship.
I would like my journey to continue with ACSS by serving as a Vice President for Chapter 503. At the grass roots level, I will increase membership, strengthen the community of Chapter 503, and actively engage with members and listen.
I will embrace the opportunity to be a Vice President for Chapter 503. I will lead with foresight, with fortitude, and with wisdom.

Michael Peavy

Statement for Delegate
I am a leader who understands the issues related to public sector employees. I have been a job steward for many years. During which time I have fought for the rights of State workers in the areas of pay equity, pension reform and retirement security for all. Additionally, I have been an active participant during the presidential and midterm elections. It has been a great experience being involved in precinct walks, get out the vote campaigns and phone banking. I am a firm believer that actions speak louder than words.
I will be honored to represent your concerns as an ACSS delegate. Together we will make a difference. I am asking for your vote to be a ACSS delegate. Thank you for your consideration.
Michael Peavy

Enrique Ramirez

Statement for Vice President
Ladies and gentlemen; colleagues and peers; my fellow state workers:
My name is Enrique Ramirez. I have worked for the State of California for more than 25 years. I have held the position of Staff Services Manager I since 2012. I have been an active member of ACSS since 2012. If you were to vote for me, I will keep the struggle going to improve the quality of work and labor conditions for managers and supervisors; I will meet and convene with the always powerful CalHR to get the recognition and respect that all managers and supervisors deserve. Respect and recognition for our work and contribution to the state of California is a right, not a privilege.
Thank you for your support.
Enrique Ramirez.

Zaid Ridha

Statement for Delegate
I am honored to present my candidacy as a Chapter 503 Delegate, leveraging my extensive management expertise to contribute meaningfully to the objectives of the Association of California State Supervisors (ACSS). With a robust background in management, I am well-versed in strategic planning, team leadership, and organizational development—skills that align seamlessly with ACSS's mission to advocate for and represent California state supervisors, managers, and other excluded employees. As a dedicated professional with a proven track record, I am committed to advancing the vision of ACSS, ensuring that all state-excluded employees receive fair and equitable representation, compensation, and benefits. Having actively participated in various projects within my field, I am eager to collaborate with fellow ACSS members and the Board of Directors to enhance the impact of the Association further and address the unique needs of our community. I am confident that my leadership experiences and passion for positive change will contribute significantly to ACSS's continued success.

Kevin Sabo

Statement for Delegate
Greetings! My name is Kevin, and I manage our paralegal team at the California Privacy Protection Agency, a new state agency created by voters in 2020. I'm interested in getting more involved in my union because I believe democracy extends to the workplace. As we head into what's shaping up to be hard economic times, state leaders will be tempted to balance the budget by throwing civil servants under the bus. Too often we slash public salaries in knee-jerk reactions to the first sign of trouble. But the people who know the state government best because we make it run should be consulted with greater sincerity so we can do our part in tightening our belts if this ends up being necessary. So I'm committed to working with members of our union in whatever capacity to safeguard our livelihoods where hysteria too often leaves us first to sacrifice and secure our share of prosperity when better days arrive.

Ben Shelton

Statement for Delegate
Hello, I am asking for your vote to be a delegate for Chapter 503. I have worked as both a delegate and as the Chapter Secretary-Treasurer for the past two and half years. I am also a Supervising Management Auditor and believe it will be an asset to have someone with accounting skills working for you, especially with the large looming state budget deficit.
ACSS is the strongest it has ever been, and I would love to continue that momentum and push forward. Thank you for your support!
Ben Shelton

Statement for Secretary/Treasurer
Hello, fellow supervisors and managers!
I have been your Secretary-Treasurer of Chapter 503 for the past two and half years and have learned a great deal about ACSS. During these two and half years, I was also promoted to a Supervising Management Auditor. I love numbers and have a passion for ACSS. For these next three years, it is imperative to have someone that will be passionate and will fight for you and your rights. I will do this and am asking for your vote.
Thank you,
Ben Shelton

Christina Shupe

Statement for Delegate
I am an active ACSS Member and booster, having served as a Chapter 503 delegate in 2018 and 2021. I'm a current ACSS Board Member, have served as the CFO/Secretary Treasurer (2019-2022) and am the current state-wide VP of Government Affairs (2022-present).
ACSS holds a unique and powerful responsibility, representing the needs and interests of our managers, supervisors, executives, and exempt state employees. As Delegates, we are charged with reviewing and setting our organization's bylaws, policies, and priorities - an especially important task given the phenomenal growth in our membership over the past 3 years. I look forward to the opportunity to once again work with my fellow delegates to ensure that ACSS continues to embrace the policies that have made us effective, while evolving to meet the present needs of our members.

Zachary Souza

Statement for Delegate
As your ACSS Chapter 503 delegate, I plan to use my State and volunteer experience to represent your needs. As an IT Supervisor II with over 10 years of experience, I have seen the value our ACSS organization provides our fellow supervisors and managers. As the volunteer Director of District 39 Toastmasters, I led the efforts of 13 elected executive officers, 45 appointed executives, and over 100 volunteers to provide communication, presentation, and leadership skills development programs to our 3000 members, 1000 club officers, and 150 clubs. ACSS delegates are expected to participate in the ACSS budget process. As the District Director, I was responsible for developing a $150,000 budget, submitting the budget for executive committee vote approval, and submitting the expenses for a 501-C3 independent bi-annual audit. I hope you will see how my State and volunteer experience prepares me well to serve as your ACSS Chapter Delegate. I would be honored to receive your vote for ACSS Chapter 503 Delegate. Thank you for the opportunity to serve your needs.

Timothy Skillman

Statement for Delegate
Working together with you, as a current ACSS Board Member, past ACSS Chapter 503 Vice President and past CSEA Member Benefits Committee Member, I fight for better careers, compensation, benefits, pension, working conditions, and representation. I uphold the ACSS Bylaws and will participate in all action brought before the ACSS Board. As a past Chief Financial Officer, CalPERS Health, Actuarial, and Financial Office Assistant Division Chief and current CalPERS Enterprise Compliance and Risk Management Assistant Division Chief, I have the experience to represent ACSS Chapter 503 Members and look forward to serving as a delegate.

James Teahan

Statement for Delegate, Chapter President
I have been a member of ACSS for over 15 years. Since that time, I have attended every Chapter 503 meeting and every Lobby Day. I have been Chapter 503 President for the last 9 years. I conduct our quarterly meetings, arrange our Membership Appreciation Dinner in December and support members with daily requests for assistance. I have supported membership growth and obtaining a second Labor Representative to serve our chapter.
I have worked hard to properly serve as your Chapter 503 president these past 9 years and kindly request your support for the next 3 years.
Thank you!
Jim Teahan
President, Chapter 503

Richard Tribble

Statement for Delegate
I am eager to serve as a delegate for our supervisor association to represent and advocate for the needs and interests of our fellow supervisors. I believe that this role presents a valuable opportunity to contribute to the growth and effectiveness of our association, ensuring that it remains a strong and supportive community for all supervisors.I am passionate about fostering a positive and inclusive environment within our association, where every supervisor feels valued and supported. I am committed to promoting open communication, collaboration, and professional development opportunities for all members.As a delegate, I would strive to ensure that our association remains responsive to the evolving needs of supervisors, advocating for policies and initiatives that enhance our professional lives and promote our collective well-being.I am dedicated to upholding the values of our association and serving its members with integrity, empathy, and a strong sense of purpose. I believe that by working together, we can make our association a more vibrant and impactful organization for all supervisors.

James Zoes

Statement for Delegate
I am a 30+ year state employee working for BOE/CDTFA as an auditor, both in state and out of state. During my career as an auditor, I served as a steward for 29 years. During this time, I held the positions of Steward, DLC President, District Bargaining Unit Representative (DBUR), Delegate and Bargaining Unit Negotiating Committee (BUNC). Most recently I served 4 terms on the Unit 1 bargaining team where I held the position of Vice Chair. I was promoted into management on 2/22/22. I would like to become active in ACSS and use my skills, experience, and knowledge to represent the members of ACSS. I look forward to learning and understanding the needs and objectives of our members while meeting current goals and establishing new ones. I would appreciate your vote so that I can use my experience to accomplish the goals of ACSS.