ACSS talks compaction with CalGovOps Secretary

Posted: Oct 9, 2013
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Your ACSS met with newly confirmed Secretary of CalGovOpps Marybel Batjer to discuss the longstanding issue of salary compaction - the phenomenon in which state supervisors and managers often make less than those they supervise - and the State's plans to correct it.

The mission of CalGovOps is to "improve management and accountability of government programs, increase efficiency, and promote better and more coordinated operation decisions."

Secretary Batjer requested additional information from ACSS on compaction, particularly on the most egregiously underpaid supervisory and management classifications.

ACSS has prioritized fixing salary compaction, and has built a broad base of bi-partisan support for the issue. Our anti-compaction bill, SB 216, enjoyed unanimous support from both Democrats and Republicans in the Senate and Assembly. SB 216 is currently being held in the Assembly Appropriations Committee's suspense file and should be reactivated for review in 2014.

In the meantime, ACSS will continue to meet with the Administration to pursue alternate methods of resolving the State's lack of support for its most skilled and dedicated employees.


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