New secretary of CalGovOps confirmed

Posted: Aug 28, 2013
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Photo courtesy of CalGovOps, via Facebook

The Senate Rules Committee has officially confirmed Governor Brown's appointee Marybel Batjer (above left) as the head of the newly created Government Operations Agency (CalGovOps).

CalGovOps, created as part of Gov. Brown's government reorganization project, will oversee 8 departments, including CalPERS, DGS, the Department of Technology, and CalHR.

During the confirmation hearing, Senator Ricardo Lara (D-Bell Gardens) asked Secretary Batjer how she intended to keep California competitive and to bring in skilled workers in light of the looming increase in retirements.

Ms. Batjer responded that she would be working closely with CalHR's newly developed Workforce Planning Unit to determine how to make state employment more desirable to "twenty-somethings" by, among other things, investigating alternatives to "sitting in an office for 8 hours a day."

Now that her confirmation is official, ACSS will be meeting with Secretary Batjer to discuss the crucial role that salary compaction plays in the State's difficulty in recruiting and retaining skilled supervisors, managers, and confidential employees.


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