Gov. Brown's ultra conservative budget

Posted: May 17, 2013
Views: 2915 Print:

Governor Brown released his revised budget on May 14th.

Though we expected the revised budget would be conservative, Gov. Brown seems to be anticipating a bleak few years for California.

In recent weeks, the Legislative Analyst's Office and State Controller John Chiang have stated that California is enjoying unanticipated revenues of $4.5 billion; however, Gov. Brown's new budget claims just $2.8 billion in revenues for this year.

Brown's budget focuses mainly on education spending, and largely avoids the hot button issue of state employee compensation, though the 3% top step raise for excluded and rank and file employees is still earmarked. Additionally, the budget confirms the end of the PLP 2012 program effective June 30th, 2013.

The budget will now be reviewed and adjusted by the Legislature. The Governor is constitutionally mandated to sign the budget by June 30th.

Both the summary and detailed budget breakdown are available via


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