ACSS urges CalPERS autism care change

Posted: May 16, 2013
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ACSS has written to Gov. Brown urging him to end a DMHC policy that burdens state employees with autistic children with unneccessary costs and inadequate treatment.

Nearly 3,700 children of state employees enrolled in CalPERS-funded HMO plans currently are denied prompt and affordable treatment for autism due to an existing California law that forces parents to obtain an autism Applied Behavioral Analysis (ABA) administered by a state-licensed therapist, when no state licensing technically exists for ABA therapists.

From the letter to Gov. Brown:

In order to comply with the DMHC's troubling rule, parents of autistic children enrolled in CalPERS funded health care programs must instead seek ABA from uncertified, but state-licensed, marriage and family therapists, psychologists, psychiatrists, and speech therapists.

Read the full letter to Gov. Brown for additional details.


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