Sen. Beall says fixing compaction is "common sense"

Posted: Mar 14, 2013
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Senator Jim Beall kicked off ACSS' 13th Annual Lobby day training by addressing salary compaction with our largest gathering of state supervisors, managers, and confidential employees to date.

Sen. Beall explained why he readily agreed to sponsor ACSS' legislation to fix salary compaction - the phenomenon in which supervisors make less than those they supervise.

"It's common sense," said Beall.

"If we're going to stop the best and brightest from leaving state service, we need to pay our supervisors more than the employees they supervise."

ACSS President Arlene Espinoza with Senator Jim Beall at ACSS' annual Lobby Day training on March 12th, 2013.

Beall earned a standing ovation as he closed his speech by calling on Golden State legislators to fix compaction by voting yes on SB 216 and to recognize the "golden employees" of the state - the supervisors, managers, and confidential employees that implement programs and keep services running for the public day after day and year after year.


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