Do you make less than someone you supervise?

Posted: Jan 24, 2013
Views: 2562 Print:

The Sacramento Bee is reporting on a survey ACSS conducted in 2012, in which 900+ respondents weighed in on pay inequity.

Your responses were astounding - nearly 80% of you responded that you are at the top of your pay scales, and 43% of you said that you earn less than or the same as an employee you supervise. Around 40% of you said you had considered demotion because of pay inequity.

For too long the State has failed to address pay inequity among its most skilled and dedicated employees, and in 2013 we're dedicated to finding a long term solution.

Do make less than or the same as an employee you supervise? Lobby Day is your chance to share your story with the state's lawmakers.

Find out more and register now!



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