How PEPRA will affect your retirement

Posted: Nov 9, 2012
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Your ACSS met with CalPERS Chief of Governmental Affairs Danny Brown this week to discuss the impacts of the newly implemented and controversial Public Employees Pension Reform Act (PEPRA).

Brown emphasized that a multitude of details are still being finalized, but stressed a few key points for state supervisors, managers, and confidential employees.

First among these is that, as many of you know, the deadline to purchase non-qualified service credits, or "airtime" is drawing near. After Dec. 31st, current and new employees will no longer be able to purchase airtime. Brown stated that as long as requested are received by Dec. 31st, they will be honored.

Though PEPRA will restrict retirees from returning to state service as a retired annuitant for a period of 180 days after their retirement, Brown was unsure if annuitants hired before Jan. 1st of 2013 would be forced to honor the 180 day "sit out" period.

"I don't think they will be let go," said Brown.

"Probably not, but we will be addressing that at an upcoming board meeting."

As always, your ACSS is working to ensure that your rights are not violated during the complex implementation of PEPRA.


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