Love it or hate it - Why we need to support Prop. 30

Posted: Sep 12, 2012
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As Gov. Brown signs in to law a historic attack on public employees pensions, many state employees may be questioning whether or not they should support Brown's tax increases, appearing on the General Election ballot at Prop. 30.

Prop. 30 seeks to prevent some $6 billion in "trigger cuts" to public education - and additional layoffs in CDCR, among other cuts - by temporarily raising the state sales tax and increasing income tax on high income earners (over $250,000/year).

It may feel like state workers are between a rock and a hard place: Support a governor that has vowed to continue attacking public employee benefits, or reject the governor's tax increases and incur further layoffs and cuts.

Your ACSS officially supports Prop. 30, as we cannot support the "trigger cuts" that will decimate public education and further harm thousands of loyal state workers.

As public employees have given their fair share to aid California's budget deficit through aggressive cuts to pay and benefits, we believe the time is right for wealthy Californians to do their part as well.


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