Prop 32 will flood the Capitol with corporate $$$

Posted: Aug 16, 2012
Views: 2869 Print:

What's your stance on Proposition 32?

There is one simple reason that your ACSS is urging you to VOTE NO ON 32: It's a sham.

The conservative groups backing Prop 32 want voters to believe that a yes vote will stop the flow of  "special interest" money in politics.

In fact, Prop 32 will give big corporations and the hyper-wealthy free reign to funnel as much money as they like into state politics while it silences your voice in the Capitol.

Want to know more? Read this excellent article by San Francisco State Univerty Professor John Logan, "California's Prop. 32 would be Citizens United on steroids".

In the article, Logan states:

"Proposition 32 claims to be an even-handed effort at campaign finance reform – but nothing could be further from the truth. Prop. 32 would cripple the ability of unions to participate in politics, but have little or no impact on unlimited spending by corporate executives and other wealthy individuals."

Don't wait until it's too late! Start talking with friends, neighbors, family, and co-workers now.


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