Will PLP 2012 work for supes/managers?

Posted: Jun 24, 2012
Views: 3501 Print:

The Governor seems to have officially dropped his 4/38 workweek proposal in favor of more flexible options.

A side letter agreement with SEIU Local 1000 - being dubbed PLP 2012 - upon ratification would reduce the salary of Local 1000 workers by 4.62% for 12 months in return for 8 hours time off per month taken at the employee's discretion. The 3% raise for employees at the top step scheduled for July 1, 2013 would remain in effect. In addition, this plan would eliminate non-mission critical retired annuitants.

In our polling, ACSS found that nearly 60% of respondents preferred a new PLP or 1-day furlough rather than the 4/38 workweek.

What do you think about PLP 2012? Will this plan work for state supervisors and managers? Will it work for your office? Will it be more efficient than the 4/38? Will it have a negative impact on morale compared to the 4/38? Is there a better option?

Now is your chance to weigh in.

Take the poll on the lefthand side of our website and tell Gov. Brown your overall opinion about his flexible new arrangement re: budget cuts and your livelihood.

NOTE: You must have Flash player installed to view and vote in the poll.


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