Budget deal reached; 5% cut plan still uncertain

Posted: Jun 21, 2012
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The Sacramento Bee is reporting that Gov. Brown and Democratic legislators have reached a tentative agreement on the state's budget.

At a press conference regarding the release of their modified $92.1 billion spending plan earlier in the month, Assembly Speaker John A. PĂ©rez said that the Democrats' budget was "not just on the same page" as the Governor's budget, but "in the same paragraph."

An official statement regarding the budget compromise stated that a final vote on the budget is expected in the coming days.

Though it is still uncertain how the Brown administration will obtain its proposed 5% cuts from state employee compensation, negotiations with employee organizations are trending toward reinstuting the Personal Leave Program (PLP).

In our poll re: alternatives to Gov. Brown's proposed 4/38 workweek, nearly 35% of you preferred the PLP to the 4-day, 9.5 hour workweek, which would have drastic impacts on child and elder care, the level of services received by the public, and would have unfairly targeted excluded employees.


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