Want more corporate money in politics?

Posted: Jun 19, 2012
Views: 2571 Print:

As you may already know, the so-called "Stop Special Interest Money Now" measure that will go before voters on November's General Election ballot will silence state employees' voices if it passes.

The measure will - in no uncertain terms - allow corporations to funnel billions of dollars into the Capitol and dominate politics at a statewide level.

At the same time, it will prevent you from making your voice heard.

State supervisors, managers, and confidential employees rely on state lawmakers to set their salaries and benefits. Are you willing to give up your voice and let corporations do all the talking in the Capitol?

Help ACSS stop the lies and double talk surrounding this measure before it's too late. Watch the video below and pass it along to friends, family members, coworkers, and anyone who will be voting this November!


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