Budget Cut FAQs

Posted: May 17, 2012
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ACSS has been flooded with questions after the announcement of Governor Brown's revised budget and the millions of dollars in cuts therein.

Here are some of the most common questions we've received, and the best answers we have at this time.

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The 5% cut plan - namely the four-day, 38-hour workweek - seems to be tailored to rank and file employees. How will supervisors be affected?
Your ACSS is preparing to meet with Gov. Brown to discuss how his plan will affect all excluded employees. We'll have more details for you soon.

I work at a facility that never closes, how can I be expected to close it one day a week?
The budget stipulates that for those employees in 24/7 facilities, "commensurate reductions in work hours and pay" will be applied in lieu of closures.

I'm not in a 24/7 facility, but shutting down one day a week would be devastating becauseā€¦
Please send a description of the critical issues that would be caused by shutting down your non-24/7 workplace one day a week to

I work at an agency that does not receive money from the General Fund. Will I still be impacted?

The revised budget states that the reduced workweek will affect "the majority of state employees" and also states that a portion of the savings will be achieved by closing buildings and reducing energy usage. We will pose this question in our meeting with Gov. Brown.

Why isn't ACSS doing anything to stop these cuts?
Rest assured that ACSS is in fact working with the Brown administration as you read this to ensure that the implementation of any absolutely necessary cuts will be done in a way that does not violate your rights. Remember, state excluded employees just like you lead this organization, so we're fighting for our careers, too.

What can I do to help?
We need to show the Brown administration the full impact of these cuts on supervisors, managers, and confidential employees. Send details to of how the reduced workweek will likely impact your ability to deliver services to the public. Be specific (e.g., As a result of these cuts, my DMV office will likely be able to process 1,000 fewer license applications per week). Spread the word to your coworkers to subscribe to our email list so they receive important information fast and stay in the loop:

Is ACSS still supporting the Governor's tax increases?
Absolutely. Should the voters decline to pass the two modest, temporary tax increases - a quarter-cent sales tax increase and a minor tax increase on wealthy households - the state will face another $6 billion in cuts and that is unacceptable to us.


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