GOP wants to slash your pay 4.6%

Posted: Apr 6, 2012
Views: 3521 Print:

In order to fix California's budget defecit, ACSS supports Gov. Brown's temporary, modest revenue increases.

Republican legislators think they've found a better way to balance the budget - by slashing your salary yet again.

No, you didn't suddenly wake up in the middle of the Schwarzenegger administration again; however, if you and your family aren't voting to pass Gov. Brown's modest revenue increases on the General Eleciton ballot you may soon be feeling "Total Recall".

The GOP budget plan - which would unilaterally force at least 4.6% pay cuts on state employees in the form of furloughs or salary reductions - also includes provisions to siphon millions of dollars away from early childhood development programs, affordable housing programs, and mental health services.

Gov. Brown's plan to balance the budget relies on two temporary revenue increases that will be put before voters on the November General Election ballot: A quarter-cent sales tax increase, and a modest tax increase on high income earners (starting at $250k for single earners, or $500k total household income).

ACSS members delivered a uniform message to California legislators last month at Lobby Day 2012 that we support the Governor's modest revenue increases in order to balance the budget, and we urged them to do the same.

Make sure you continue to spread the word to your friends and family about the harm that will be done to your career if the ballot measure fails.


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