Pension reform comparison

Posted: Feb 14, 2012
Views: 2956 Print:

As the fight for your pension heads to the legislature, CalPERS has released a detailed chart comparing California Pension Reform's (CPR) two recently dismissed initiatives with Governor Brown's current 12-point pension reform plan.

The chart helpfully breaks the comparison down by the sweeping pension changes that may affect only new hires, those that would affect only current employees' pensions, and those that would affect all employees and potentially retirees.

As Governor Brown's plan moves through the legislature, dozens of groups will be attempting to influence your senators' and assemblymembers' perception of pension reform.

If you're concerned about protecting your pension, join ACSS at the Capitol this March for Lobby Day 2012. It's our chance to show legislators how their decision will really impact Californians like you.

Get registered before the Feb. 17th deadline:


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