ACSS Chapter 513 meets with Assemblymember Rocky Chavez

Posted: Jul 25, 2014
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Photo Credit: Michael Hadland
From left to right: Assemblymember Rocky Chavez, ACSS Vice President for Governmental Affairs Frank Ruffino and Chapter 513 President Arlene Ryan.

ACSS meets and greet Assemblymember Rocky Chavez at his Club 76 event at the Oceanside Harbor. He spoke on the current political atmosphere in SAcramento and his role as a first term Assembly Legislator. Assembly member Chavez has an extensive background as a Marine Colonel, Oceanside City Councilmember, and former California Secretary on Veterans Affairs. ACSS spoke to him about compaction and ACSS role in state government. Rocky is an individual with the experience needed to create positive solutions for California, said Frank Ruffino, ACSS Vice President of Governmental Affairs.


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