Updates and Progress From the March CDCR Meeting

Posted: Apr 21, 2015
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Posted: 4/21/2015

CDCR and ACSS meet on a quarterly basis to discuss various workplace issues. At the last quarterly meeting held in late March 2015, the following topics were reviewed:

Upward Mobility:
ACSS has been working with concerned CDCR members in efforts to preserve upward mobility opportunities. We have have made strides towards consolidating classifications so that promotion opportunities remain intact and are not abolished. This reevaluation of classifications ties in with the Administration’s Classification Improvement Project.

Administrative Officer Duty:
On behalf of ACSS members, we raised concerns for pay equity amongst all of the CDCR classifications that perform Administrative Officer of the Day Duty (AOD) duty as per the Department Operations Manual (DOM). ACSS shared with CDCR some general information from a recent survey of members who perform AOD, which provided solid reasoning for the members’ concerns. CDCR will take closer look at “managerial” levels or ranks in comparable classifications, and not necessarily salary levels, to resolve this issue.


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