CalTrans Grants ACSS’ Grievance to Enforce “Call Out” Compensation

Posted: Dec 22, 2015
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At the end of October, a CalTrans Supervisor alerted ACSS about concerns regarding a decision by the Department of Transportation (CalTrans) to change the method used to compensation supervisory staff for call outs. CalTrans sent an email informing maintenance supervisors that they would no longer receive a minimum of four hours of work time when called back to work after completing a normal work shift and/or during off-duty hours. Supervisors would only be paid for the actual time of work performed and a minimum of 4 hours of pay for a call out was not applicable to supervisors.

ACSS determined this new method of compensation for call outs was a violation of statute, regulations and CalHR policy. ACSS filed a grievance on behalf of the ACSS Member as well as all CalTrans excluded employees. The two primary classifications impacted are CalTrans Maintenance Supervisor (6301) and CalTrans Maintenance Area Superintendent (6282).

On December 16, 2015, ACSS received CalTrans’ response granting the grievance. The response stated “We appreciate you bringing this matter to our attention. It was never our intention to unilaterally terminate any benefit which we have the authority to provide to our employees … Therefore, it is our determination after further analysis that the CMS and CMAS classifications are in fact entitled to the 4-hour minimum when called back into work. Therefore, based on my review of the information presented above, your grievance is hereby granted.”

As a result of ACSS’ efforts, these CalTrans excluded employees have retained their rightful benefits. ACSS became their voice, supported them through this complicated workplace issue, and resolved the conflict on behalf of excluded employees.


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