ACSS is Your Voice in California State Politics

Posted: Mar 4, 2016
Views: 3550 Print:

ACSS Executive Board Members at the 2016 California Democratic Convention on February 26-28.

ACSS maintains an active political program dedicated to improving the careers and compensation of excluded employees. A highlight of ACSS’ involvement in recent state politics is our attendance and sponsorship at the California Democratic Convention on February 26-28, 2016, in San Jose. The ACSS Executive Board took advantage of many opportunities to speak with influential legislators including CA Insurance Commissioner Dave Jones and our AB 2735 Bill Sponsor Reggie Jones-Sawyer (AD 59). Throughout the Convention weekend event, ACSS spoke with several of California’s most revered democratic leaders to bring ACSS’ message to the table, on behalf of members.

ACSS Board Members with U.S. Vice President Joe Biden.

The ACSS Political Action Committee (PAC) is the easiest way for you to politically get involved and support candidates that benefit your career, compensation and working conditions. Supporting the PAC strengthens our voice in political and legislative activities. By donating as little as $2 per month (or more) you can help ensure that the State is working for you, not against you. Join the PAC now and join the fight for better careers!

ACSS works hard to elect policy-makers who understand and value the important job that you do and stand up to defeat measures that threaten your interests. Visit the ACSS website to view our newly updated list of ACSS-Endorsed Candidates for 2016.


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