CSEA Foundation Awards Scholarship to an ACSS Recipient

Posted: Aug 12, 2016
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The CSEA (California State Employees Association) Foundation awarded five $1,500 scholarships to outstanding students that are either dependents, spouses or grandchildren of CSEA Affiliates (ACSS, CSR, CSUEU, SEIU Local 1000 and UAW).  One of the $1,500 scholarship recipients was sponsored by an ACSS member from Chapter 503 in the Sacramento area.  ACSS would like to congratulate Evan Lovell who attends Elk Grove High School in Elk Grove, sponsored by ACSS Chapter 503 member Howell Lovell III. The CSEA Foundation Board and ACSS extends its sincere congratulations and continuing academic success to all recipients and those who submitted applications.

Click here to read the press release from the CSEA Foundation.


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