Changes in Leadership Training and Development for Excluded Employees

Posted: Oct 14, 2016
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On October 7, 2016, CalHR released PML 2016-028 in regards to changes in leadership training for excluded employees. As part of the Civil Service Improvement initiative, Governor Brown signed Senate Bill (SB) 848 into law on June 27, 2016 which intends to simplify, streamline and improve civil service employment. SB 848 includes amendments to leadership training for managers and supervisors.

SB 848:

  • Amends the strategy for continually advancing employee skills and authorizes CalHR to prescribe policy guidance for administering statewide training.
  • Amends training requirements for Government Leaders by requiring 80 hours of training to be successfully completed within 6 months of initial appointment, but no later than the end of the probationary period. On-The-Job-Training (OJT) will no longer be allowed as a portion of the required supervisory training.
  • Adds new training requirements for management and Career Executive Assignment (CEA) employees:
      o Managers will be provided 40 hours leadership training and development.
      o CEAs will be provided 20 hours leadership training and development.
      o Training must be completed within 12 months of initial appointment.
      o Supervisors, managers and CEAs are required to complete 20 hours of leadership training and development every two years.
  • Requires leadership training and development to be documented.

PML 2016-28 also includes changes to rules on exempt return rights, leave overpayments and Limited Expansion and Appointment Program (LEAP).

>> Click here to read more about the details of PML 2016-28.


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