General Salary Increase and Special Salary Adjustment for Attorneys and Hearing Officers (BU2)

Posted: Oct 17, 2016
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On October 11, 2016, Cal HR released Pay Letter 16-19, and later released Pay Letter 16-19A on October 13, regarding General Salary Raises (GSI) and Special Salary Adjustments (SSA) to excluded employees related to Bargaining Unit 2 (Attorneys and Hearing Officers).

M02 and S02 –

  • Effective October 1, 2016, CalHR approved a 5% General Salary Increase (GSI) for all classes designated M02, S02 and supervisory ranges in U02. (See page 7 of Pay Letter 16-19 for details.)

In addition to the GSI mentioned above, there were many classes within M02 and S02 that received Special Salary Adjustments (SSA). Effective October 1, 2016, CalHR approved a 1% Special Salary Adjustment to the maximum of the class, for all classes designated M02 and S02 in Pay Letter 16-19 and Pay Letter 16-19A. In addition, all employees designated M02 and S02 shall receive a 1% increase, including employees who separated from state service prior to October 1, 2016, and have lump sum payments that extend beyond October 1, 2016. The lump sum payments shall be adjusted to reflect the above salary increase.

Below are some of the notable classes that received SSAs in this Pay Letter:

  • Class 5703 – Supervising Deputy Attorney General – 4.96% SSA
  • Class 5871 – Assistant Chief Counsel – 14.99% SSA
  • Class 5872 – Chief Counsel I, C.E.A. – 17.41% SSA
  • Class 5873 – Chief Counsel II, C.E.A. – 17.57% SSA
  • Class 6088 – Presiding Administrative Law Judge – 5% SSA

>> Click here to read details of Special Salary Adjustments for additional classes in Pay Letter 16-19.

>> Click here to read details of Special Salary Adjustments for additional classes in Pay Letter 16-19A.

ACSS will continue to advocate for additional special salary adjustments for excluded employees associated with BU02. As more information is available, we will make sure to pass that on.

Update: October 18, 2016

CalHR Releases Pay Letter 16-19B - Correction on Section 14 Differentials for Attorneys


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