DSH Release and Transfer of Psychiatric Programs to CDCR/CCHCS

Posted: Feb 17, 2017
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The Governor’s Proposed 2017-2018 Budget included transferring the psychiatric inpatient care program from the Department of State Hospitals (DSH) to the Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (CDCR) and the California Correctional Health Care Services (CCHCS).

DSH provided the Association of California State Supervisors (ACSS) notice of their intent “to release and transfer all DSH staff at DSH-Salinas Valley, DSH-Stockton and DSH- Vacaville, as well as a small number of DSH-Sacramento staff who support operations at the psychiatric programs to CDCR/CCHCS.” The transfer of employees is contingent on the proposal being approved by the Governor and the State Legislature through the budget process.

According to DSH, initially, “organizational structure and classifications will remain the same… However, CDCR and CCHCS are analyzing the classifications and structure. Any proposed action and/or required change will be reviewed and discussed. If there is a determination that a classification/employee is being impacted”, ACSS will be noticed of the proposed change. DSH provided a FAQ, which will be updated periodically throughout this process.

ACSS has requested a meet and confer with DSH and CalHR. Under the Bill of Rights for State Excluded Employees Government Code Section 3533 a “Meet and Confer” means that the state employer shall consider as fully as it deems reasonable, such presentations as are made by ACSS - the verified supervisory employee organization - on behalf of its supervisory members prior to arriving at a determination of policy or course of action.

If you are a DSH excluded employee and have any questions or concerns that you would like ACSS to address, please contact Nellie Lynn, ACSS Assistant Director of Representation, via email at Your thoughts and input regarding the proposed transfer of psychiatric programs are important to ensure that the concerns of all impacted excluded employees are addressed.


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