ACSS Efforts Result in Special Salary Adjustments for Food Administrators and Supervisors of Building Trades

Posted: May 18, 2017
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On May 11, 2017, CalHR released Pay Letter 17-13. It authorizes the retroactive rank and file General Salary Increase (GSI) and Special Salary Adjustments (SSAs) for BU12, BU18 and BU19. The Pay Letter also passes on several SSAs to excluded employees in S12 and S19, which addresses salary compaction for some classifications

ACSS has been working hard in collaboration with CalHR to address salary compaction and create a fair differential of pay between excluded employees and those they supervise. Please take special note of the following:

S19 - The Food Administrator I, Correctional Facility (Class 2153) and Food Administrator II, Correctional Facility (Class 2147) are getting a larger SSA than rank and file to address salary compaction, effective January 1, 2017. The SSA for the Food Administrator I brought the pay differential up to 5% over the Registered Dietitians Correctional Facility they supervise. This is a huge improvement from October 2015 when the Food Administrator I’s were upside down and were paid -0.4% less than the Registered Dietitians Correctional Facility they supervise.

Classification SSA
Food Administrator I, CF (Class 2153) + 11.27%
Food Administrator II, CF (Class 2147) + 7.00%

S12 – The Supervisor of Building Trades, Correctional Facility (6763) and Electrician Technician Supervisor (6960) are also getting a larger SSA than rank and file to address salary compaction, effective January 1, 2017. This SSA for these classifications also brings the pay differential up to 5% over those they supervise.

Classification SSA
Supervisor of Building Trades, CF (Class 6763) + 5.95%
Electrician Technician Supervisor (Class 6960) + 6.42%

ACSS’ efforts have made a huge impact on these classifications to improve their unfair salary differentials. ACSS will keep working with CalHR to resolve salary compaction for many other excluded employees by advocating for a fair and equitable 10% differential. Meanwhile, CalHR continues to follow the administration's directive to establish and maintain a 5% differential. As always, ACSS will provide updates of any new classifications where salary compaction has been addressed.


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