CalHR Assures ACSS that Pay Raises are Coming Soon for Excluded Employees

Posted: Jun 1, 2017
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On May 31, 2017, ACSS met with CalHR to discuss the May Revise of the Budget, raises from Collective Bargaining, pay raises for excluded employees, and consolidation of classifications. In attendance were CalHR Director Richard Gillihan, ACSS Executive Director Rocco Paternoster, ACSS President Frank Ruffino, ACSS Assistant Director of Representation Nellie Lynn, and ACSS Legislative Advocate Ted Toppin. The meeting was productive, positive and informative. After discussing the outcome of the May Revise Budget at length, Gillihan reassured ACSS that the budget contains raises for all excluded employees. Final numbers of how much of a raise has yet to be disclosed. ACSS will know more details about pay raises for excluded employees when the budget comes out of conference and is sent to the Governor’s desk.

ACSS continues to work hard to resolve salary compaction and pay equity for ALL excluded employees. With pay raises from October 2016 and upcoming pay raises in July 2017, ACSS’ efforts are proving to be successful. ACSS President Frank Ruffino noted, "This is the first time in history that excluded employees have received two separate general pay increases within a year. ACSS’ tireless efforts on your behalf have been successful and we anticipate more productive and positive meetings with CalHR in the future.”

ACSS plans to have another meeting with CalHR in August 2017 to resolve even more classes affected by salary compaction.



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