Updates on Salary Compaction and IT Classification

Posted: Dec 4, 2017
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ACSS continues to have ongoing discussions with CalHR in regards to salary compaction. ACSS inquired on the status of CalHR’s review and corrective action on the classifications that ACSS identified as not receiving a Special Salary Adjustment on July 1, 2017. We also inquired and discussed the status of CalHR's criteria to establish and maintain a 5% salary differential for impacted excluded classifications. ACSS is waiting for new information and will continue to provide updates.

ACSS also discussed the status of the Civil Service Improvement Class Consolidation issue, especially with regards to the IT Classifications. Unfortunately, submission to the State Personnel Board has again been delayed. However, the IT series of classifications is expected to be reviewed at the January SPB meeting. The Custodian series is expected to be reviewed in the February meeting. The Research Scientist series, the Energy Specialist series, and the Research Manager series are all pending and ACSS is waiting to hear new information on these classification consolidations.

It appears that as the year comes to an end, the momentum has slowed at CalHR. We encourage you to be patient with news of forward progress and to enjoy your time during the holiday season. Momentum will pick back up again with the New Year. Stay tuned as ACSS promises to deliver news to you as we receive it.


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