IT Class Consolidation Update

Posted: Jan 3, 2018
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After several delays last year the IT Class Consolidation proposal will be considered by the State Personnel Board at its January meeting.

CalHR first provided ACSS a draft of the plan in Spring 2017. Since then, ACSS has been meeting and dialoguing with CalHR regarding the proposed changes to IT Classifications. Large numbers of IT Excluded Employees responded to ACSS’ request for input; that feedback was beneficial to our discussions with CalHR. Many of the respondents expressed frustration that pay parity in the IT industry with both the public and private sectors was not addressed in the class series proposed by CalHR. ACSS addressed this issue with CalHR. CalHR’s position is that the Civil Service Improvement Project classification consolidations must be cost neutral. Therefore, CalHR stated they will use existing pay ranges. The State Personnel Board does not set excluded employee salaries. The authority to set excluded employee salaries is under the jurisdiction of CalHR.

Through the meet and confer process ACSS was able to obtain several changes to the proposed IT Class Consolidation plan.

ACSS submitted a position letter to CalHR to address concerns with regard to proposed salary ranges and reallocation of incumbent Data Processing Managers I, II, and III. The letter is part of the SPB Board item package, which is available on the SPB website.

The State Personnel Board Meeting is scheduled for Thursday, January 11th beginning at 10:00 a.m. ACSS will provide an update to excluded IT employees shortly thereafter. 


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