Bicycle Commuter Benefit Program

Posted: Mar 23, 2018
Views: 3690 Print:

Effective May 1, 2018, CalHR has expanded bicycle commuter benefits to all eligible state employees through its new Bicycle Commuter Program Policy. The program encourages state employees to use bicycles as their primary means of commuting to and from work with a taxable benefit of $20 per month.

Any state employee who bicycles to work at least 50% of a calendar month is eligible to participate. There is no need for enrollment. Participating employees will need to submit a Bicycle Commuter Benefit Claim through their department’s established process. Documentation of the bicycle commutes and supervisory review/approval is required for claim submission.

In addition to promoting the health and well being of state employees, the program also encourages sustainable commuting practices. The expansion of this benefit program bolsters Caltrans’ “Toward an Active California, State Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan,” which aims to triple the number of bicycle commuters by 2020.

>> Click here find out more about the Bicycle Commuter Program from CalHR. 

If your bicycle commuter claim is denied, contact your local ACSS Labor Relations Representative.

UPDATE 6/29/2018

CalHR has updated the Human Resources Manual Section 1425. This update clarifies this benefit to include employees who combine using transit passes with shared bicycle services for a portion of their commute.


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