Leave Buy-Back Program Authorized for Excluded Employees

Posted: Apr 4, 2018
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CalHR and the Department of Finance have authorized the Excluded Employee Leave Buy-Back Program for 2017-2018. Employees designated Exempt, Supervisory, Managerial or Confidential may elect to be paid at their regular salary rate in exchange for up to 80 hours of unused leave (vacation or annual leave, personal leave, personal holiday or holiday credit). Payment is out of existing appropriations, so each department’s participation is subject to the availability of departmental funds.

No later than May 1, 2018, your department should notify you whether the department has funds to participate and how much leave, up to 80 hours, that you will be able to cash out. The notification will include a deadline to submit your request to cash out leave. Departments may issue payments as early as May, but no later than June 30, 2018.

The current authorization of up to 80 hours for excluded employees follows ACSS’ lobbying and legislative efforts in 2016 to increase the number of leave buy-back hours for excluded employees.


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