ACSS Board of Directors Elects New Statewide Officers

Posted: Jan 24, 2019
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On January 19, ACSS held its first Board of Directors meeting for 2019 in San Jose. The first order of business was to fill vacancies on the ACSS Board of Directors and the Statewide Officers. Tina Allen was appointed for the position of Chapter 505 Board Member. Tina and Chapter 508 Secretary/Treasurer LaChelle Adams (elected during Delegate Assembly in July 2018) were sworn into office by reciting the Oath.

ACSS President Frank Ruffino and ACSS Executive Vice President Elnora Fretwell resigned from their Statewide Officer positions, which left two out of five vacancies for Statewide Officers. Frank Ruffino accepted a political position with State Treasurer Fiona Ma and Elnora Fretwell recently retired. At the January 19th Board of Directors meeting, VP of Governmental Affairs Todd D’Braunstein became the new ACSS President via no contest. Chapter 503 Board Member Suzanna Nye was elected as Executive Vice President. And Chapter 507 Board Member Reynold Roth was elected as VP of Governmental Affairs.

Once they undertook the agenda, the Board of Directors reviewed and discussed items from the Fiscal Committee, PAC/Legislative Committee and the President’s Forum. The meeting closed with a cake cutting ceremony and commemorative speeches for the outgoing Statewide Officers. ACSS congratulates the new Board of Directors, Chapter Officers and Statewide Officers that represent ACSS leadership. To view more photos of the events of the Board Meeting, click here.

2019 ACSS Statewide Officers – From left to right: VP of Membership Development Michael Bonner, Executive Vice President Suzanna Nye, President Todd D’Braunstein, Secretary/Treasurer Pam Robison, and VP of Governmental Affairs Reynold Roth.

Frank Ruffino (right) passes the gavel to Todd D’Braunstein (left) for the position of ACSS President.

Frank Ruffino swears in Tina Allen (on left, Chapter 505 Board Member) and LaChellle Adams (on right, Chapter 508 Secretary/Treasurer).


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