Lobby Day 2019 Was a Huge Success!

Posted: Mar 15, 2019
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On March 6th, 2019, ACSS members marched into the Capitol and met with legislators to discuss important issues affecting managers, supervisors and confidential state employees. Lobby Day was a resounding success with 44 members in attendance. Thanks to the dedicated members who attended, our presence at the Capitol was visible and our voices were clearly heard! For 19 consecutive years, ACSS members have participated in Lobby Day to deliver the ACSS message in person to Assemblymembers and Senators.

This year, we continued to lobby for the resolution of salary compaction. Salary compaction continues to harm California state government operations and ACSS is committed to fixing unaddressed compaction problems by encouraging legislative support for this issue. Also, we asked for support of Assembly Bill 271 (Pay Equity for All State Employees, written by Jim Cooper, AD 09). AB 271 will ensure that California state employees are paid equally and appropriately for performing substantially similar work functions. And lastly, ACSS continues to protect pensions for excluded employees. We are dedicated to the sustainability of CalPERS, but we urged lawmakers to oppose legislative efforts that encourage the state to abandon pension promises or replace defined benefits with alternative savings plans that do not provide retirement security to public servants. Lawmakers listened to our message and acknowledged our concerns.

ACSS thanks the attendees who helped make ACSS Lobby Day 2019 a huge success. Over the years, ACSS has worked hard and progressed to make our presence known, and is now a well-recognized association that lawmakers pay attention to, thanks in part to the efforts of members who attend Lobby Day.

Click here to view all Lobby Day 2019 photos.


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