Retroactive Salary Increases for Supervisors and Managers Related to Units 2, 7 and 13

Posted: Nov 19, 2019
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The Department of Human Resources (CalHR) has provided confirmation to ACSS of salary increases for state excluded employees related to bargaining units 2, 7, and 13. Effective July 1, 2019, excluded employees related to Bargaining Units 2 and 7 will receive General Salary Increases of 2.75%.

  • Excluded employees related to Bargaining Unit 13 will see their maximum salary ranges increase by 2.75% also effective July 1, 2019. This means those at the old maximum salary for 12 pay periods will see an immediate retroactive increase.
  • Excluded employees related to Bargaining Unit 2 enrolled as a subscriber in a state sponsored health plan will receive a $260 taxable cash benefit/health stipend retroactive to July 1, 2019 through the June 2020 pay period.
  • As part of the BU 7 Labor Agreement, employees in specific classifications will receive Special Salary Adjustments retroactive to July 1, 2019. CalHR has confirmed that excluded employees tied to those classifications “may also be eligible for Special Salary Adjustments retroactive to July 1, 2019” and that details of impacted classifications and percentages will be outlined in a forthcoming Pay Letter.

Many of the recently approved labor contracts (including the 9 SEIU Local 1000 units) include new and revised pay differentials that may affect related excluded employees. Specific details of how these changes will affect related excluded employees will also be included in the forthcoming Pay Letter. ACSS has requested that CalHR make all increases applicable to excluded employees.

CalHR is currently developing the Excluded Compensation package for Fiscal Year 2020 – 21. Items of compensation including general and special salary adjustments and the $260 month cash benefit for healthcare for employees in the 9 SEIU Local 1000 bargaining units (1, 3, 4, 11, 13, 15, 17, 20, and 21) are effective July 1, 2020. ACSS has requested at least the same increases as rank-and-file employees. CalHR says it will announce the excluded compensation package upon approval of the Budget Act of 2020.

ACSS continues to discuss the compensation of excluded employees related to Bargaining Unit 18 with CalHR. The announcements of salary adjustments do not indicate any adjustments to employees related to Unit 18, but ACSS will continue to ask CalHR to make appropriate salary adjustments for these supervisory and managerial employees, even if the rank-and-file is unable to reach a new labor contract.

When the official Pay Letters are released instructing the State Controller’s Office to adjust salaries, we will provide details of the adjustments including the expected timing of pay adjustments and retroactive pay warrants.


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