Excessive Heat Warning Prompts State Offices to Close Early – Aug 17 - 19

Posted: Aug 17, 2020
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CalHR Director Eraina Ortega has issued office closures in the afternoon hours for the next few days due to excessive heat and to conserve energy resources.

In a message on Sunday August 16th, she states:

“Due to multiple Excessive Heat Warnings issued throughout the state and the need to reduce energy demand during peak hours, state departments are directed to close at 3pm starting on Monday August 17 through Wednesday August 19 (“heat period”). Departments providing critical public safety and health care functions during the heat period are exempt from the closure and should reduce energy consumption as much as safely possible.

Building managers should work to reduce energy consumption throughout the day by, for example, turning off all unnecessary lights and equipment and closing blinds and other window coverings. After 3pm, please ensure air conditioning and other large equipment use is reduced as much as possible while maintaining health and safety.

Employees currently scheduled to telework during this period of excessive heat should continue to do so. Employees on telework are encouraged to reduce energy consumption, especially during peak hours.

An employee who is paid on an hourly basis and who is scheduled to telework, but is unable to perform any work due to a blackout during this heat period shall notify management and be provided Administrative Time Off (ATO) for that day for those unworked hours.

All employees working on site will end their workday at 3pm. Employees who are paid on an hourly basis will be provided ATO for the balance of their work hours. Please remind employees to reduce energy consumption at home, more information about how to save energy can be found here.

If a state office loses power at any point during business hours during this heat period, the office should close and ATO shall be provided to hourly-paid employees who cannot telework.

In administering any time off or office closures due to this heat period, state departments should refer to existing laws and rules, policies, and applicable labor agreements.

Please contact CalHR’s Personnel Services Branch at for any questions about ATO.”

Please contact your ACSS Labor Relations Representative for any issues or concerns regarding this matter.


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